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Sharpest lens

> I am using the CF BIOGON (SWC) and the PLANAR CF 100mm (which was develop ed for the NASA) as well as the SONNAR CF 180mm and found that these are the sharpest lenses in HASSELBLAD SYSTEM. Regards Jürgen
> I find the CFE 12omm Macro planar the sharpest lens available, although the 180mm comes very close. The 120 is better corrected for reproduction and studio work according to Zeiss. On their website is a lot of info to be found!

Thanks Jerry and Jurgen

Thanks guys! but it sounds like you are all using the newer systems. are there any thoughts on the older lenses (CM- T*) type? I have a 120mm circa 1976 T* (older not a Macro-- is this one the same one? comparable?) but find that it it a bit soft. When it is in great shape, hardly used, but seems to have some dust on the inner elements when i shine a light in. could this effect it? . is there a way to know for sure? is there a test I can do? Also, I am very interested in hearing about the 100mm that Jurgen has. And perhaps as i mentioned, i am thinking of the 60mm. any response on this?
> Hi Nicholas You should know that SCHOTT,GLAS PRODUCER for ZEISS lenses,is improving their glas by the years and therefore you can't compare a 80mm Planar from 196X with a Planar CFE produced today.the PLANAR 100mm CF,i have is the civil version of the 100mm PLANAR developed for the NASA. I can only say that this lens produces the most perfect negatives i ever have seen. Perfect for technical images or landscape when you want much details. The 180mm CFE lens is also a great lens,but when you take portraits it migh t happen that the people dont like your pictures because this lens shows the truth in such a perfect way that people might think you are a bad photographer.Therefore the sharp lenses should not be of common use,but for special photography. Regards Jürgen
Well.. it is much easier to soften the image a lens produces than to shar pen it ;) Softars were produced for a reason :cool:
thanks Wilko and Jurgen for the info. i will check out the 100 CF! and yes wilko, it would be nice to find a filter that makes my lens sharper... i wish there was!
best regards -nicholas

Although it is not exactly sharpening the image, the use of a good lens shade (lenshood)will result in crisper images, especially when you do have the sun somewhere in front of you.

Because Hasselblad is in the camera business they need to continue producing (and selling) new and "improved" products. Given the pressures of production costs this does not always mean the current product is "superior" Case in point: optics on the latest Super Wide are clearly a small step backwards. I have personally not come across a medium format optic sharper than my "old" C / 100 / 3,5 Planar at or near infinity.

Your circa 1976 lens would be a 120mm f/5.6 S-Planar C T* which is a macro lens. Its close focus performance is excellent, and it is a bit soft at infinity. A look at the published MTF charts seems to collaborate this popular opinion. Since many use this lens for portraiture, this could explain its high reputation for sharpness (focused at a few meters). I am considering one of these lenses to round out my "kit" for macro work and duplicating transparencies.
