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Scanner issue?


New Member
Well... I am new to the forum. New to analog photography. New to Hasselblad... and new to scanning. Lots of great info here, and I've learned a lot already. I am glad I found this great place!

I am including 4 images, scanned from two negs. I noticed these lines on one side of an image, then just a few minutes later I noticed the same lines on the opposite side. After scanning, re-scanning, I finally decided to try scanning a neg from my Mamiya C33... Nothing came up on that scan. I ran several tests with different film manufactures, and even tried a different lab for developing (soon to try my own developing).

Well... Here are the specs.
Two negs, I just switched positionson the neg holder.
Epson V700 scanner
Hasselblad 500 C/M
A12 back
Fuji Acros 100
80mm 2.8

Any ideas? I darkened the sides so you can see.


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Welcome here Max,

Quite smart of you to register, sorry I could not resist.

At first sight I would say the lines were caused by some failure in developing.
The scans from the cans made me doubt.

Just curious what age (generation) the film backs are you are using.
The letters in the serial number of the back reveal the year of manufacture.

VHPICTURES id the code word where V stands for one, H stands for two, P stands for three etc till you reach S which means zero.

I liked the shots from the waterfront, good job!


Hi Paul!

Thanks for the reply.

The body and back are date coded from 1972. Unfortunately I do not have another back to try. I know I need to have the camera cleaned and checked out, but after some tests, I think it may be the scanner. I too thought it may be a developing issue, but after a few tests with scanning, I noticed that the "bars" switched sides when I switched the negs in the film holder. My guess is that if it was a body / back issue, the bars would stay in the same place regardless of positioning in the film holder.

Thanks again!
Hello Max,

Unless you know the service history of the set you are using it makes sense to let a trained eye and ear take a look at your camera.

Keep in mind a lot of Hasselblad camera's have lead an professional life at one time with lots of mileage film behind them.

A good service carried out well before problems call for that service is a good investment.
