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Sad news about Rollei and Hy6


Active Member
It has been made public that Rollei in Braunschweig has gone into receivership after once again a tough struggle to survive.

The new owner has apparently spent over 20 milion euro to keep Rollei afloat after a recent reorganisation.
Old debts that were hidden as corpses in a cupboard finally made a new start impossible.

Production of Hy6 bodies is affected too.
There were Rollei people at the PMA in the US when the news was announced.

A sad end for a company that has known better times.
Production of Hy6 may possibly be continued under Sinar and or Leaf management.
Maybe what is sad for companies/brands it is happiness for customers/consumers/clients, we always waiting bad news in economy for a reason that we may see lower prices in productions, for example i bought my H3D this year in January because the salesman told me it is the best time now to buy it as long the Euro is down, even with lower price is still expensive for me but i can't get New one much more lower than that, maybe now where the Euro is more down but not that much lower, so when Companies has problems or discontinued to produce something that means either they are trying to improve buy going under another company or unite with it then we can see more products or they have to lower the price to save and protect their names by attracting more audience.

But to be honest, this topic i don't know what will affect me, as i know the name of Rollei and their products [cameras, lenses], but i will never use their products, not in the past, present, and not in the future.
.......... but i will never use their products, not in the past, present, and not in the future.

I think that goes for most readers here who chose Hasselblad cameras, some of us several decades back.

Still it is sad to read that a camera maker that is known by many of us for its TLR cameras has gone.
Chances are part of the production will be continued as two other makers of cameras also depend on bodies made at Rollei.
This could not have happened at a worse period of time.
Over 130 people have lost their jobs.
I think that goes for most readers here who chose Hasselblad cameras, some of us several decades back.

Still it is sad to read that a camera maker that is known by many of us for its TLR cameras has gone.
Chances are part of the production will be continued as two other makers of cameras also depend on bodies made at Rollei.
This could not have happened at a worse period of time.
Over 130 people have lost their jobs.

Yes, it is too bad news, in fact i heard about rollei before i heard about Hasselblad, and it was like an impossible dream to own a Rollei, but now it seems i should really think much about many medium formats or large formats cameras if i can't use them for what they are made for, and to be honest, maybe if i got a Rollei nowadays maybe i will not feel happy and i will still thinking to buy a Hasselblad, but i know that Rollei is a big known name in photography world, so i hope things going fine with all brands including Hasselblad itself in the future ;)
Leica follows the market

It seems like a logical step as sales of R cameras and lenses has come to a standstil.
Even at rock bottom prices these beautifully made cameras and lenses do not sell as used items.
That is also the case with new gear.
The problem of customers avoiding quality specialist manufacturers!

Sad news indeed.

Many of us here are enthusiast amateurs who appreciate wonderful engineering and craftsmanship. But many of us in this category benefit from the pros and others who upgrade make good used gear available - and affordable to many of us - just like a large % of Porsche owners!

The worst news is that in these seriously bad economic conditions, pros will find it increasingly hard to justify or afford continuing top end gear purchases - their clients just won't be spending as much money (for a while at least). Its these who the manufacturers rely upon most for sales of new gear.

So all of these top end and small volume manufacturers will suffer for at least the next year and likely even longer.

Interestingly of course low sales of new gear means reducing numbers of used gear available. Already here in Aus we are seeing used Hasselblad gear harder to find and the prices have been rising.

Another easily overlooked factor that is also worrying is that the specialist quality manufacturer will struggle even more for an additional reason - customers will increasingly "avoid" what they fear are a "dying breed" and stick to the mainstream large companies' products. Well, who wants to get stuck with an "Orphan" system! We have all hear someone say something like: "Yes I would love to get XYZ brand camera and lenses, but gee I am worried they may not survive for very long..." :(
Sad news indeed.

Interestingly of course low sales of new gear means reducing numbers of used gear available. Already here in Aus we are seeing used Hasselblad gear harder to find and the prices have been rising.

I would not shed a tear on rising prices!
That means used Hasselblad gear will finally cost what its worth.
That is more than the current silly offers at eBay.
Excellent 150 CF lenses changing hands around 400 USD. A bloody shame.
It is good for those who want to expand their kit but 400 is an insult.

Another easily overlooked factor that is also worrying is that the specialist quality manufacturer will struggle even more for an additional reason - customers will increasingly "avoid" what they fear are a "dying breed" and stick to the mainstream large companies' products. Well, who wants to get stuck with an "Orphan" system! We have all hear someone say something like: "Yes I would love to get XYZ brand camera and lenses, but gee I am worried they may not survive for very long..." :(

I am convinced Hasselblad will survive although it may not be easy.
With a little help from the forum to convince buyers of high end digital that Hasselblad is the way to go it must be possible.

What happens to gear that will soon see the end of the support from a manufacturer can be judged looking at Contax 645.
A great camera with excellent lenses, the 120 APO Macro nearly persuaded me to buy a 645 Contax, is changing hands
well under 1000 USD.
I wonder if it is possible to adapt a 120 APO Macro for a 2000FCW....... :)