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Frankly, who cares if it is marketing puffery or not? They engineered the Imacon scanners that way, and it seems to work. I've used a 848 and it beat the crap out of everything I've used before it ... including Polaroid MF scanner, Minolta Multi Scan Pro, Minolta 5400, Nikon 4000 and 9000, and even some pro scans my ad agencty has purchased for a pretty penny.

What counts is the results, and these Imacons deliver it in spades.

I asume , the new HASSELBLAD FLEXTIGHT X1 is very similar to the IMACON 646/848/949 .
Now , you have stated , that the results are very good .
As you have seen in the other thread , i am very much ready to go for that scanner .
Could you share your experience , of how tricky or easy it is to feed your transperencies into the filmholders ?
From the instruction manual , HASSELBLAD sent me as PDF , i can only gain an idea of how it is done . The most used film size for me would be 6x6 6x9 and 6x12 .

from what I can tell there is very little difference. In fact, if you could find a 646 in stock somewhere it may be less expensive ... my 949 was.

I've used a number of different scanners and this one is the easiest to use yet.

My reseller delivered the scanner , set it up and gave me a tutorial.

There are a number of film holders available. I chose the 6X6 3X holder to do 3 Hasselblad frames at once. and the 35mm holder holds 6 frames. Others come with the scanner.

To load film, you put the film holder in place on the scanner's flip down lightbox and lift the magnetic top portion of the holder ... put in the film, lining up the top ... and the magnetic top grabs it as you lower it into place.

You choose the film type in Flexcolor and set the resolution. Hit preview and it preview scans the whole strip. There is a calibration window on the film holder that tells the softwear what holder it is.

In Flexcolor, you can rotate and enlarge the strip until one frame fills the screen, crop/select it and make corrections for that frame only ... then add it to the batch cue, then on to the next frame. Only frames you add to the batch cue get scanned when you are ready for the full scan.

To quote the TV commercial: "It's so easy a Caveman could do it" : -)