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Resetting F series lens


My friend has a Hasselblad 80mm F series lens and I can't mount it on her 205tcc camera. The little sync bit on the lens (not sure what it is actually called, but it looks like a phillips head screw,) won't match upto the male part on the camera. All her other lenses mount properly.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Thanks all!
The lens is probably simply released. Check the position of the slotted shaft.

The left picture shows the correct position for a lens ready to mount on a camera.

The right picture shows a lens in released mode. The slotted shaft does not align with the drive shaft of the camera.

lens with slot in charged position.jpg lens with slot in released position.jpg

To correct this simply take a small coin and turn the shaft clockwise untill it locks.
If all is well the slot stays in the position of the first picture.
The lens is ready to mount on the camera.

Please use a small coin and do not use a screwdriver.
If the screwdriver slips you stand a good chance to damage the rear element of the lens. :z04_head_wall:

If you are experiencing a different problem the bad news is the lens needs to be serviced by a qualified technician.



  • lens with slot in charged position.jpg
    lens with slot in charged position.jpg
    74.6 KB · Views: 7
  • lens with slot in released position.jpg
    lens with slot in released position.jpg
    65 KB · Views: 6
Sweet, thanks mate! I didn't know it would be so easy. It's now on the camera.

Her unit was sent to Hasselblad Sweden after being dropped with the 50mm f2.8 F lens attached. The floating elements were ruined and the camera was badly out of alignment. It is now in absolutely new condition. Even the little marks that were on the chrome are gone!
Amazing service, and it didn't take even 1/5 the time Leica took to clean a simple little Summicron.
..... it didn't take even 1/5 the time Leica took to clean a simple little Summicron.

We like to think of Hasselblad as a professional camera system.
One of the important things for pro gear are short turn around times for repairs.
Hasselblad used to have loan cameras and lenses available for photographers so they could go on with their work while their cameras were being looked after.
Due to a smaller network of official Hasselblad service centers in the world this is no longer a world wide offered option.