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Replacement gear


New Member
To my horror, my much loved 503CW and several lenses, peripheral equipment etc were stolen. I now face the likelihood of a payout for the gear and wonder if people here would replace the V system gear or look to the H system? Is there any discernable difference in quality either way?
Given the same film, 6X6 beats 645 every day ... IF you like the square (which I personally do).

The advantage of the H system is that it is what Hasselblad is concentrating on because of digital. The H2 is a fully integrated digital camera base ready to accept Imacon backs and interact with them (like showing the digital histogram in the camera's LCD located on the H2's handle).

While being my greatest wish, I doubt a full 6X6 digital sensor will be developed for use on the V system.

The other obvious advantage of the H system is autofocus. The advantage of the V system is that it is more versatile, with more lenses, more viewfinder choices, and different film backs ... all of which are more available used at more reasonable prices.
Doron, just in case you are interested. I am about to sell a rather complete V system. It is for the most part in absolutely perfect condition. It is less than 5 years old with VERY little use. Includes: 503cw and 501cm, both with WLF, 50FLE cfi, 80cb, 120 cfi macro, 180 cfi, 4 macro extensions, 45PME, 90 PM, and various other bits. Had originally purchased new. Have been unable to use much due to injuries after purchase. Package price will equal what I can get from KEH wholesale. Otherwise good luck with your decision. vic…
Doron, so sorry about the theft.

I lost a 2xLeica M kit almost 20 years ago, and it still haunts me. (Friendly taxi driver (Europe) unloaded all bags and 'helped' me. I grabbed a small suitbag and a briefcase with passport etc. and he had already grabbed a suitcase and not-too-obvious rucksack/camera bag. Of course, in the confusion at the hotel entrance, he kept the rucksack and drove off ... later claiming he had left it with the bellhop, although witnesses saw him take it back to his taxi. I have heard of this 'scam' twice since then - in Asia and UK. Be careful!!)

Not wishing to start another thread (really), however ... any suggestions from members for the 'best' insurance these days (other than being on 'high alert' at all times. My 503s and Leica etc are covered at house/office, but only have limited coverage on trips. Sounds like you, Doron, expect replacement value which would be fantastic.

P.S. BY THE WAY, if it were MY dilemma, I would stay with square 6x6. I love the format and versatilty, the 'real camera feel' and a digital back if I want it. Just reserve a little of your insurance money for digital in non-square format (under US$2000 for a body and lens) - a Nikon D200, with 10.2 megapixel sensor, 2.5 inch LCD, and a galaxy of great lenses available. Pretty amazing.
Doron, that is very sad - it's as confronting to a very committed shooter as the theft of wedding/engagement rings is to a woman.

Colin, re insurance. Living here in Australia I have two policies protecting my investment in camera equipment. 1. my house and contents cover (although a premium and expensive contents policy) covers all my camera gear in the home without limits other than the overall policy cover value and a maximum of $25k anywhere in the world but limited to $5k per item. This policy also includes damage of any kind and provides new for old replacement. To help keep the premium affordable I have a $1,000.00 excess for each event. 2. my business travel insurance provides (among other things - blanket policy due to the number of o/seas and interstate trips I make a year and far cheaper than individual travel cover taken each trip) $10k loss of personal effects any one claim anywhere in the world - loss and damage.

So having plenty of protection I am never reluctant to take gear and quantities of it anywhere. I often read of people being scared about what they take on trips due to the lack of insurance protection - hardly a way of enjoying your gear - why have it if you're too scared to take it out and use it! I hope I've helped to answer your question.
Doron, that is very disheartening. I like 6 x 6 and if I lost mine I would replace it if I could. In a few years I think backs will be much less expensive.

FYI: Currently Hasselbad has some very interesting promotions for the H system that you may want to consider.


Thanks for your support about it. I love the 6x6 format as well. For me the transition to a purely mechanical camera of such quality was a leap into intentional, creative photography. I barely ever use any of my 35 mm cameras any more.

It was especially hurtful that it still had some film in the bag of my son's first day of school!
Simon, thanks for Insurance input. Pretty much the same here in the US, and certainly you can make the choice of 'leave it at home and buy postcards' or 'take the gear so you can use it like it was intended'. I take my gear.

Must confess that in a certain N African country, after just one day in the Medina, I locked 90% of my gear in the hotel security office just so I could relax!!! Subsequently, I was the guy running around with an M3 and 35mm lens only, with black electrical tape over the engraved brand names etc. Looked like the Stealth bomber. Heh heh.

Incidentally, as you are in AUS, one of the Taxi scams I mentioned above happened to a Canadian friend in Sydney between the airport and a hotel at the Quay.

Doron: Again, really sorry for your loss. And I love your words "intentional, creative photography". Truly, setting up a LF or MF camera, thinking the task through, and pressing that shutter button slowly and deliberately enables you to live in the moment of that special creative process. I don't get that feeling at 5fps !!. Cheers.
Thanks Colin. Yes, I'm sure such a taxi scam happened here just like it would in every city in the world because crooks exist in every country and I'm sure in all walks of life.

Travelling anywhere these days is so stressful especially when you are vigilant about valuables you carry - always looking over your shoulder and wondering who will try to rob you next. But, I try not to be paranoid and simply take reasonable steps to protect what I have any myself too. If that's not enough and gear get stolen, well so be it - it's replaceable.

But, I feel for Doron - losing the precious images of his child's first day at school is horrible - those images certainly can't be replaced.

And yes, the thought of someone enjoying your hard earned well maintained gear is awful. Even worse I think is the thought that some crazy drug addict just sells it all for a pittance to gain a fix.

Hey, maybe we should fit those dye bombs banks use in money bags causing the robbers to get dye all over them when they open the bags to enjoy the loot.
Simon: Regarding the 'dye'. Patent the idea !!!

You could store the dye in a 'BLADder'.

What about creating a 120/220 roll just like the prank 'exploding' golf ball?? When the thief went to load the roll, something would DEVELOP.

They'd be ZONED out.

OK OK, I'll stop now. (I'm quitting this topic before I get over-exposed.)

> I'm surprised someone has not come out with a cell phone/GPS unit > that uses SMS to announce its "location" at intervals. Disguise it > as a brick of film or a flash unit. Stick it in your camera bag and > if the bag goes missing, just "home in" on it.
Every cell phone communicates with the "cell" it is in whenever and for as long as it is switched on. So someone already knows where your phone is all the time...
> True but that is only good to a few blocks/couple of miles > depending on the proximity and density of the towers. A "cheap" GPS > will get you +/- 10 meters. A "good" GPS to +/- 4 meters. When the > European GPS system goes into effect, +/- 1 meter. That means you > would conceivably know whether it was under the trunk or back seat > of the taxi!
And in the USA the FCC has put regulation in demanding a location facility be implemented in cellphones. Which the emergency services can use to pinpoint a phone. If it will only be emergency services given the current tendency to implment Orwell's '1984', albeit 22 years late is another matter.
The more effective solution provides pinpointing via satelite down to a matter of feet anywhere on the planet - do as pilots and sailors do, carry an EPERB - personal vesions are only a few hundred dollars. Set it up in the case to trigger the signal transmission once the bag/case has been opened! Wow I might be onto some thing here
My son has one (a pilot), I might just borrow it!
And I said I was out of this topic ... until now.

In the US, the product LoJack is a small transponder that is placed covertly in one of about 25 locations in a car body or frame.

The car ID/Chassis number (VIN) is registered to that particular transponder for the life of the vehicle. It remains in silent mode. If and when a 'stolen vehicle' report is filed with police, and that VIN is entered in the national database, the transponder then 'lights up' the readers in police cars via a grid of towers a la cell phone, to the extent that LoJack guarantee a 24 hour recovery rate - but more often while the thief is driving the car.

I see no reason why a similar device could not be developed for cameras, dog collars, or whatever. There is already a LoJack for Laptops which uses software and the Internet. There is also a 'neater' gadget that, if not with the car when it is moved (for any reason) you can get a pager warning, cell phone call, IM, etc to say your "xxxx" is being moved.

What will they think of next!!!!