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Really Right Stuff Lplate


When I ordered the H1 I made sure to also order a quick-change mounting plate from Really Right Stuff so that I could quickly mount the H1 on my Arca-Swiss B1 using my Gitzo Carbon Fibre 1227 (or 1228-the three piece unit). The H1 mounts quite well in the horizontal position but when I shift to the vertical all of this considerable weight is way off the center of axis. It becomes very awkward and time-consuming to try to set it up in the vertical orientation. No good. I use a tripod for every shot and need no more difficulties.
I've spoken to Joe from Really Right Stuff and tried to convince him to design an L-plate for the H1. He's willing but getting an H1 is expensive-as we all know. If other H1 users also requested this unit I think he would produce it. His website is: Phone no.:1-888-777-5557.
Thanks. Robert.
Kirk photo has just made a custom L bracket for the H1. I ordered it today. You can go to to see it. Kirk makes nice stuff.
Posted by chris vigneri (Chrisv) on Saturday, November 29, 2003 - 3:20 pm:

Kirk photo has just made a custom L bracket for the H1. I ordered it today. You can go to to see it. Kirk makes nice stuff.

>Hi Chris. I've been on the road in the U.S. Southwest taking a Photoshop >workshop and getting familiar with my HI in Bryce Canyon and Zion. Many >frustrations but I'm getting more and more comfortable with it. The >batteries did crap out in below zero (fahrenheit) temps at Bryce but >instead of telling me it was the batteries it gave me messages such as "no >lens", etc. Sometimes it simply won't focus in either manual focus or >autofocus. I don't know why. Sometimes removing and reinstalling the lens >seems to solve the problem, but why does it occur in the first place?

I ordered the L-Plate from Kirk today with shipping promised tomorrow. If you hadn't told me he was making the plate I wouldn't have known. Thanks! Robert

Kirk photo has just made a custom L bracket for the H1. I ordered it today. You can go to to see it. Kirk makes nice stuff.

>Sorry for not responding sooner. On the road I often can't get a local >access number for Earthlink and can only receive but not respond through >my cellphone. Anyway. If only the Kirk L bracket is available when I must >have it, then that becomes the best L plate. I don't really understand >what is covered by the plate, but as long as I can change film and >batteries, I'll live with it. Thanks. Robert