The 205 FCC is an improved version of the TCC body with a few extras like more flash facilities and longer shutterspeeds.
Now the 203FE is very sought after. It offers maximum comfort with nearly always perfect light metering that can be used in auto mode as well.
I have looked around a bit and learned a lot about 2000/200-series Blads since making my first post above, and have a much better idea. These comments also help a lot, thanks. I kinda have the itch to shoot some B&W film again. I used to with my 500C, but the finder is really dim, and the whole film thing meant that when I picked up my first digital in '01, I haven't touched film again until last year, when I bought a Leica M6, while my M8 was being fixed. Now I have very fond memories of the 500C and am thinking of giving the 500C to my cousin, who would most likely love it, and to spring for a focal plane shutter body for myself.
As I see it, the decision matrix breaks down like this:
No metering: 2000FC, 2000FC/M, 2000FCW, 2003FCW, 201F
Metering: 202FA, 203FE, 205TCC, 205FCC
I tend towards metering, but my Lunasix still works, and I am not against using it, if the metering bodies are too pricy. I need to slip this by my girlfriend, so it has to be reasonably priced, ie. significantly less than 1000 Euro (I live in Berlin). It would be best if I would sell something else at the same time
Of the metering bodies, I presume the 202FA is the only one I might be able to afford. What is a fair price for a chrome 202FA body in great condition with waist-level finder, and a A12 or E12 back? I will start with just the 110/2, so I don't need a lens.
If this is too pricy, I need to consider the non-metering bodies. I presume that due to rarity, it would end up being either a 2000FC or 201F. I don't use flash, and would consider it acceptable to at a later point sell the body and upgrade, if I really got bitten, and wanted a DB or some other higher-end option. I am not against a fragile shutter, but how can I get a known-good 2000FC? What are fair prices for those two bodies, great shape, chrome, with A12 or E12 backs?
Either way, I would want an Acute Matte (plain or D) screen, which I think is not standard with the 2000FC, so that should be factored into the price.
Thanks a lot for all the help.
P.S. I have found two places which claim to be able to fix 2000FC bodies with busted shutters, in case anyone is interested.