How about just ignore the meter for one roll, and in bright but hazy or reasonably full sun daylight, use the 'Sunny 16 rule', and also +/- a stop, with a colour negative roll - maybe 160iso - but any other will work the same. Green trees in sunlight, flowers in gardens, whatever, your back to sun, or obliquely. The colour negative has nice latitude. If you do have another lens, shoot with it, too. Make notes.
If you still have a problem with underexposure when you do that (and you are happy with your lab), then you do have a problem, and it isn't the meter.
If the roll result is good (we hope), then you just have to establish your meter's calibrated compensation as needed for any iso - as Michael says above.
(I assume you don't have any filters fitted to the lens which may have a filter factor, although the PME is TTL and will compensate
if it is working.)
Cheers, Colin
PS I know you know that meters will read as 18% grey a white object - snow, white cats, etc. unless you compensate for that 'standard' reading. But it sounds like you have a general underexposure problem, BW or Color. =:^)