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Question on 503CWD


New Member
Hello, I am new to Hasselblad. I am very interested in buying the 503CWD. Does the anniversary kit come with the digital back? (The digital back is not in the "item included" list from online photo store web sites...)

I am going to visit Hong Kong this Dec. Does anyone know any store in HK carry this item? There is no tax in HK...

Besides, anyone on this forum has bought the 503CWD? How is it?

Thank you.

Yes, it is included.

I have the back alone since I already had a 503CW.

It is a very good image maker. I have posted many of my first photos from it on this site.
Hi Marc,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I saw a lot of your postings. You are definitely a bright photographer.
I am just an amature who never use MF before. I believe I can improve my skills by taking more pics... and a digital MF camera will surely help.

If I can't find the 503CWD, I can just buy a 503CW and the digital back. It should be the same, right?

Thanks again for your info.

As far as taking photographs, it will be identical in every way Eric.

Cosmetically, the 503CWD is a "special edition" with a few small differences like a chrome accented wind knob and the 503CWD name plate. The back itself has Victor Hasselblads' signature on it ... none of which has anything to do with taking pictures.

If you intend on buying everything new, then the 503CWD is a good deal. So, try to find that first if possible.
I found out the 503CWD from HK doesn't come with international warranty. It only cover locally.....

The only place I know I can get 503CWD in US is at B&H. Do you know any place other than B&H in US that may offer a better deal?

Thank You.
> Boolchand's in the Caribbean (St Thomas) has a 555ELD from the > time before they were included in the US pricing structure....which > makes it a couple of years old, but still never used to my > knowledge. They are selling their "old" stock at a price which > should be cheaper than the current US price, and they may be > motivated to move the old stock cheaper still. You might contact > Ashok Chugani ( to see what they are actually > asking. You might mention you heard of it from me (I purchased > several pieces from him over the years and we keep in touch).
The only place I know I can get 503CWD in US is at B&H. Do you know any place other than B&H in US that may offer a better deal?>


If you consider their service and return policies B & H will be hard to beat. For nearly 30 years I have dealt with many of the major camera stores in America and abroad. In my experience B & H is the best. I have returned a new lens, a new camera, and some other items without any problems, even a special order item. Since it is a Hasselblad item I don't think you will find a lower price from an authorized dealer anywhere in America.

BTW-They are also polite.

Good Luck:

I second the recommendation for B&H. I have purchased thousands of dollars of equipment from them over the years, and have been very happy with their service, before and after the sale. Their prices are also very good. To get a better price, in my experience, you have to pay for poor service, which in terms of time wasted and frustration, can be more that buying from B&H.
I buy most of my Digital gear from City Lights Stage in Madison Heights Michigan (248) 589-9000 ... Most of this digital stuff is price fixed by consumer demand and the 503CWD is a limited edition camera ... so it'll be hard to find at a bargain price.

Even if there was a bargain, I'd be very cautious who you buy any MF digital gear from. After sale follow up is an essential part of the whole package. My reseller, Jim Arnosky of City Lights Stage, is also a working photographer and has a direct line of contact with Hasselblad/Imacon. This has proved to be an invaluable asset to getting the most out of the gear you buy. Not even B&H can match this kind of essential personal service.

I have purchased a H2D/39, CFV Back, and Imacon 949 scanner from him and all issues are resolved immediately whether user oriented or gear oriented.

In contrast, I also purchased a Leaf Aptus 75 and have yet to receive the written warranty promised despite repeated follow up calls and e-mails to the re-seller, district manage and reagional managers. I feel absolutely alone, like a voice in the wilderness concerning this piece of gear.
Clarification: The Leaf Aptus I mentioned above was NOT purchased from City Lights but instead another supplier. City lights is not a reseller of Leaf products.
Thank you so much for all the info. Since I live in NY, I will check out B&H first. If I don't like them, I will travel up to City Lights Stage in Michigan...

By the way, anyone knows if "Gossen Digisix Ultra Compact Digital & Analog Incident and Reflected Lightmeter" good? Since I am not prof., I will also need a light meter for the 503CWD...

Thanks again.
> [I completely agree the recommandation for B&H too. Great service - fair prices even when I consider the custom taxes I must add when they ship to Europe]
The Gossen Digisix is fine. Of course limited as you can use no accessories like spot-attachment etc. It is a small reliable meter, nothing else,* which gives EV readings which is fine if you are using Hasselblads. For converting into shutter speed/aperture values you have to use the calculation dial. It uses small CR 2032 Lithium batteries, about one per year. There is also a version that measures flash. But for studio purposes I would prefer a more versatile meter like Variosix F2 etc. where you can set shutter speed and that can differentiate between flash light and ambient light.

* it can also be used as timer, measure temperature etc, I do not use that.
