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Problems in Phocus


New Member
Hi all, this is my first thread and first evening on the forum. Hope somebody can help me... I am trying to use Phocus (2.5). When I have the files in from the card and I try to adjust anything, ev, shadow fill or even tick lens correction, then my image just turns to a black box, as soon as any slider is moved. Returning the sliders to "0" has no effect, I have to select another image to work on but then the same thing happens. I am using a H3D-39 and after several attempts to use my £25,000 + lenses camera for the last 3 years with absolutely no success I have decided to give it one last try, then this happens. Please help, I'm sure it really is good kit. Many thanks in advance for any help
Best advice I can give.

I do not have the expertise to help yoy get started or solve the problems you are having.

Please contact Paul Claesson of Hasselblad USA to shed some light on your problems.
The thread I copied shows a post by Paul:

Simply click his name in the post and drop him a line.
Paul will not mind helping you with any questions you may have.
BTW my totally unfounded hunch is you are having hardware problems like a graphic card unsuitable to do the job.
Phocus demands a powerfull PC or Mac to be operated.


Paul T
Forum moderator
I take it that, when you have downloaded the RAW files from the camera, you have then imported them into "Scratchpad" by clicking on the "Import" button in the tools panel along the top of the screen?
The original RAW files straight from the camera, although able to be "seen" in Phocus, cannot be manipulated until they are imported as above and effectively converted to another RAW format.
Phocus 2.5.3

PHOCUS 2.5.3 is available from the HASSELBLAD website .
No indication so far , when PHOCUS 2.6 will be available .