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Problem importing/exporting X2D files in Phocus


New Member
After importing my X2D files into Phocus and letting Phocus do its magic and convert the files from .3FR to .FFF the file size goes down from say 230MB to 160MB (Perfect).
Problem is when I export them out of Phocus as 16 bit TIFF files to import them into Lightroom they increase to ~600MB,..........what am I doing wrong???
After importing my X2D files into Phocus and letting Phocus do its magic and convert the files from .3FR to .FFF the file size goes down from say 230MB to 160MB (Perfect).
Problem is when I export them out of Phocus as 16 bit TIFF files to import them into Lightroom they increase to ~600MB,..........what am I doing wrong???
°You can import the converted FFF-Files direct into Lightroom.
Are the TIFFs the same size immediately after export from Phocus and after import to LR?
The TIFFs from Phocus are massive, Ive now learnt how to bypass Phocus so when importing into lightroom as .3FR files they get lens correction and distortion done automatically in lightroom on import........
The TIFFs from Phocus are massive, Ive now learnt how to bypass Phocus so when importing into lightroom as .3FR files they get lens correction and distortion done automatically in lightroom on import........
that's possible but: the larger the files are, the slower lightroom works, in my opinion....if you want to make a panorama in lr with - for example - 6 pictures, it take a very long time...
The TIFFs from Phocus are massive, Ive now learnt how to bypass Phocus so when importing into lightroom as .3FR files they get lens correction and distortion done automatically in lightroom on import........
that's right way, but: you get a file-size of 230mb, when you import your files in phocus at first and then import the phocus-converted files into lr, then you get 160mb. One advantage import direct Out-of-camera into LR is, that LR take over the crop-settings from your x2d (16:9, etc..), when you do the way over Phocus at first, than you lose the crop-setting in LR.
that's right way, but: you get a file-size of 230mb, when you import your files in phocus at first and then import the phocus-converted files into lr, then you get 160mb. One advantage import direct Out-of-camera into LR is, that LR take over the crop-settings from your x2d (16:9, etc..), when you do the way over Phocus at first, than you lose the crop-setting in LR.
Thats good to know about the crop settings. I get the camera tomorrow, I'm like a kid in a candy store:):):)