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Praise where praise is due...


As this is with regard to a 500C/M, I thought it best to put it here - however, I rely on our mods to move this (please) if it's not in the right place.

Background: I decided to purchase a second 500C/M and found a good deal in the US. I paid and the body was sent USPS (US Postal Services) to me here in France where it was 'handled' by CHRONOPOST.

The parcel cleared customs after I sent additional papers and was due to be delivered a couple of days later.

This never happened as CHRONOPOST couldn't find the parcel. After numerous telephone calls and mails, they finally admitted it was lost and got in touch with the seller to organise an insurance claim.

Some days later, just to check, I looked at the CP site and the status of the parcel had indeed changed - it was now 'Returned to sender' - pretty amazing for a 'lost' parcel...

No-one in the shipping companies in the US or France was prepared to take responsability for this, which meant that someone (Me?) had to pay shipment charges a second time if I ever wanted to see the camera.

All this to say a big thank you to David Odess who sent me the camera, as it was he who was prepared to send it a second time, at no cost to me, just so I got what I wanted.

This kind of attention needs to be hi-lighted in my opinion, as there are less and less honest traders, and I'm really glad to have dealt with him.

Thanks David.

(As it happens, I refused his very kind offer as I got no guarantee from Chronopost that the same thing wouldn't happen a second time.)
Thanks for this report concerning shipping problems and the way a reliable trader like David Odess solved this unhappy incident.

It is amazing how fast shipping companies can find lost parcels when an insurance claim is made.

From first hand experience I can only advise to stay clear from Chronopost and companies like that.
In general ordinairy Post is the best option for safe and economical shipping of cameras.
Thanks for this report concerning shipping problems and the way a reliable trader like David Odess solved this unhappy incident.

It is amazing how fast shipping companies can find lost parcels when an insurance claim is made.

From first hand experience I can only advise to stay clear from Chronopost and companies like that.
In general ordinairy Post is the best option for safe and economical shipping of cameras.


The same thing happened for me when I sold a Pentax MX motordrive to Germany. The package never came to the buyer and finally it was returned to me. I resent and it came through the second time. I used ordinary post with"recommended" (forgot the english term now), It's actually a disaster for the seller if one doesn't send an identical item or give a refund. Your credibility is simply lost.
To avoid these problems always send items fully insured with tracking.
That way you have proof of shipping.
If the parcel is lost you can claim the damage and reimburse the buyer.
Make it clear that goods are send for the account and the risk of the buyer.

Chronopost and a few others are not recommended for cameras and similar goods.
Their handling is sub standard. They also demand extreme measures for packing.
Claims for damage in transport are often denied on the grounds of unsuitable packing.
As this is with regard to a 500C/M, I thought it best to put it here - however, I rely on our mods to move this (please) if it's not in the right place.

Background: I decided to purchase a second 500C/M and found a good deal in the US. I paid and the body was sent USPS (US Postal Services) to me here in France where it was 'handled' by CHRONOPOST.

The parcel cleared customs after I sent additional papers and was due to be delivered a couple of days later.

This never happened as CHRONOPOST couldn't find the parcel. After numerous telephone calls and mails, they finally admitted it was lost and got in touch with the seller to organise an insurance claim.

Some days later, just to check, I looked at the CP site and the status of the parcel had indeed changed - it was now 'Returned to sender' - pretty amazing for a 'lost' parcel...

No-one in the shipping companies in the US or France was prepared to take responsability for this, which meant that someone (Me?) had to pay shipment charges a second time if I ever wanted to see the camera.

All this to say a big thank you to David Odess who sent me the camera, as it was he who was prepared to send it a second time, at no cost to me, just so I got what I wanted.

This kind of attention needs to be hi-lighted in my opinion, as there are less and less honest traders, and I'm really glad to have dealt with him.

Thanks David.

(As it happens, I refused his very kind offer as I got no guarantee from Chronopost that the same thing wouldn't happen a second time.)

Bonjour, ;)

Based on my experience, Chronopost is not a good performer! They become in charge of items sent with USPS Express Mail International.

You should go for USPS Global Express Guaranteed for valuable items. Indeed, Fedex is USPS partner in France with this shipping option. Otherwise, go with Fedex directly. They are 100% reliable, fast and provide you with a full tracking from door-to-door!