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Active Member
Last Friday the remnants of the Polaroid company were sold at auction at about US$50m The new owners plan to revive Polaroid, so do not throw your Pola backs out with the thrash just yet (if only because Fuji is still around producing film)

In the same context the following might also be interesting (sorry, a URL..):

Hello Wilko,

URL, links, are no problem. You know where it hurts. That is not with these kind of links.

Intersting link to read:
To me the fact that there is analogue film makes me wonder where the hell is digital film?
Have I missed something or are there interesting new developments in the pipeline?

Hello Wilko,

URL, links, are no problem. You know where it hurts. That is not with these kind of links.

Intersting link to read:
To me the fact that there is analogue film makes me wonder where the hell is digital film?
Have I missed something or are there interesting new developments in the pipeline?


Interesting question. There was, I think, once a company called "Digital film". They did a product that fit a digital sensor in a 35mm cartridge and had a sensor sticking out of it on the filmgate, in a ways as a sort of upgrade to a standard 35mm camera. Product never took off.

Memory is dim here, one of these useless pieces of trivia you sometimes store in the ol' grey cells.
