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Please can we ban the word Hassy from this site?

Well declaring 'BAN Hassy' sounds like a rule to me. Frankly my often used/preferred word is 'B'lad', but you probably won't like that either. Since I don't have an iPad typing hx probably won't work for me anyway. please continue to type hx, and I will continue to type whatever occurs to me at any time. It's called freedom of expression.
Oh, and please don't use the ugly word in the same sentence as one of my favourite cameras. It may be offended. :)

well 'ban' is in the thread title. I'm typing Hasselblad . You do whatever you want.
Personally - and this this is not a dig at people who like to use the term Hassy - I find the abbreviation Hassy to be diminutive and kind of like how a small child who cannot yet talk properly might pronounce or say Hasselblad. If I abbreviate I tend to use Hblad, which some may not like. As long as I can understand what somebody is talking about and the abbreviation doesn't require some kind of translation then I don't really mind how people want to abbreviate.
Hassy is not a term I use when referring to any of my 3 beautiful cameras. i don't speak it and hass is on a text replacement shortcut for Hasselblad, so I don't write it either.
As far as others are concerned, it hardly matters to me, but I'd prefer Hasselblad If I was asked.
I've used Hasselblad for more than 60 years. I still have four different body types and many lenses and mags, oopps, magazines. Note that I just typed 'Hasselblad'. That was natural, not forced. But I also use Hassy, Blad, H'blad etc. It's not important. I don't care what anyone else uses, but I do care when one POV would have me conform to their idea.
Shortening, abbreviating and such economies are common throughout the English speaking world and are well understood. I say do what you are comfortable with, and allow the same comfort to other.
Now I am heading off to relax on the week end (W/E) with my favourite Medium Format (M/F) camera (cam). Smile, my Hasselblad (Blad) might be pointing at you. :)
I've used Hasselblad for more than 60 years. I still have four different body types and many lenses and mags, oopps, magazines. Note that I just typed 'Hasselblad'. That was natural, not forced. But I also use Hassy, Blad, H'blad etc. It's not important. I don't care what anyone else uses, but I do care when one POV would have me conform to their idea.
Shortening, abbreviating and such economies are common throughout the English speaking world and are well understood. I say do what you are comfortable with, and allow the same comfort to other.
Now I am heading off to relax on the week end (W/E) with my favourite Medium Format (M/F) camera (cam). Smile, my Hasselblad (Blad) might be pointing at you. :)
Well done. 60 years is a long time and hammers my 43 years. :) I've only got 4 bodies, but I had to sell two to help fund my X2D.
Sorry BigSteveG and others, I'm not for banning anything, but my 50 year love affair with the Hasselblad camera system has lead me to feel a beautifully engineered
camera system deserves the respect its full name delivers.
Feel free to put wide wheels and go-faster strips on your Chevrolet and drive your Chevvy to the levy but please call a Hasselblad a Hasselblad.

Mini rant over, I'll get back in my box.

Happy New year every body.:)
Any term other than Hasselblad shows a disrespect for Victor Hasselblad and the company. It just shows how society is dumbing us down; many can’t write or spell and they are too lazy to try.
Any term other than Hasselblad shows a disrespect for Victor Hasselblad and the company. It just shows how society is dumbing us down; many can’t write or spell and they are too lazy to try.
IMO, I totally disagree. I have been most of my life an advocate of Hasselblad and a great admirer of Victor, and the company. I have had the privilege of of being a guest of Hasselblad, both in the factory and elsewhere. I am the recipient of the first 203FE to arrive in the Southern Hemisphere, even before the Australian distributer had one. I have been particularly well looked after by Hasselblad over the years, better than any other camera company I know of.
My ancestry dates back to Gothenburg and have relatives buried there, very close to the Hasselblad factory.
My praise and respect for Hasselblad cannot be exceeded. However, I staunchly maintain that abbreviation is NOT disrespectful, with precedent all over the net (look in the Leica Forum) and the wider world.
IMO, I totally disagree. I have been most of my life an advocate of Hasselblad and a great admirer of Victor, and the company. I have had the privilege of of being a guest of Hasselblad, both in the factory and elsewhere. I am the recipient of the first 203FE to arrive in the Southern Hemisphere, even before the Australian distributer had one. I have been particularly well looked after by Hasselblad over the years, better than any other camera company I know of.
My ancestry dates back to Gothenburg and have relatives buried there, very close to the Hasselblad factory.
My praise and respect for Hasselblad cannot be exceeded. However, I staunchly maintain that abbreviation is NOT disrespectful, with precedent all over the net (look in the Leica Forum) and the wider world.
A precedent would have priority established at the time the company was founded. I bet society neither referred to Victor Hasselblad as Hassy nor greeted him in such a manner. He would probably be turning in his grave.
A precedent would have priority established at the time the company was founded. I bet society neither referred to Victor Hasselblad as Hassy nor greeted him in such a manner. He would probably be turning in his grave.
I've made my point, as have you. I don't intend to change. I shall now divert my energies to productively making pictures.
Can I be honest? I find this whole discussion a bit weird. Words like "disrespect" are for me out of place. Of course Hasselblad has a glorious history (and I am the proud owner of a Hasselblad H5D with 60 and 50c backs), but I don't think it is an object of worship, as it were. I think everybody can call it the way she or he wants, Hasselblad, Blad, Hassy, or whatever. Otherwise we transform this forum in a kind of sect worshipping the holy Hasselblad. My modest thought, of course.
Can I be honest? I find this whole discussion a bit weird. Words like "disrespect" are for me out of place. Of course Hasselblad has a glorious history (and I am the proud owner of a Hasselblad H5D with 60 and 50c backs), but I don't think it is an object of worship, as it were. I think everybody can call it the way she or he wants, Hasselblad, Blad, Hassy, or whatever. Otherwise we transform this forum in a kind of sect worshipping the holy Hasselblad. My modest thought, of course.
Gio, it was Twixmas OK. I was a little bored and I was on the forum and somebody mentioned the 'H' word and I started this thread because I find the term mildly annoying. I imagined a few folk might agree or suggest it was an American thing or something, thats all. Then all this happened, people getting bent out of shape by what you call a bit of kit. I happen to have worked with the V system on a regular basis for the last fifty years and still call it a Hasselblad or maybe B'lad which is an abbreviation not bastardisation.

I'm sorry OK. Gio I heartily agree with you please lets just talk about how we can help each other with issues, ideas and crits etc and move on and not what we call the fu@&*ng thing.

@superwhite LOL :)
I just posted something regarding a Halleblad. I JUST USED the word 'BLAD" By doing so I did not meant to disregards about this camera which is one on my devoted piece of equipment. I am a Hasselblad user and I don't care any one call this camera a square box/ Old schools camera/ Grandpas" camera Old man's camera or Blad. Hussie. etc. Etc.
I know people are emotional / and some times very egoistic about how they perceive the world or their knowledge and the their association to photographic environments.
Sometimes. I thought I must add a few lines to this thread as I think what is the problem with abbreviations? Victor Hasselblad was a very good person with a genius mind to create this camera . By using those abbreviations to call this camera is an offence and who would think so???
All right Sorry I had done it few seconds ago and sorry if I have heart you!!!! :) My
apology and I completely respect your thinking here.
@Patrick :) It is Hasselblad ... It got AUTO correct on my Bloody Apple Keyboard so I just left that as a generic word for HASSELBLAD. When I type Hasselblad my Keyboard generate very weird Words. So it is the reason I always use BLAD all the time . Sorry about this little complication folks !!
Ya gotta laugh! Teacups & storms etc.
I'm only typing at all because I am currently scanning this mornings HASSELBLAD (OK?) shoot. It will take me the rest of the day, but I multitask so don't notice the time.
Surely to show proper respect, we should call it Victor Hasselblad AB after the full name of the company? :)

I prefer to shorten the name down for mine: V-Hassy, F-Hassy and simply The-X (but sometimes have to differentiate that from my ex-wife whom I am not at liberty to fondle).
Hear you @superwhite , but I also think sometimes writing ’Hasselblad’ 5 or 6 times in a post can slow down the flow of thoughts. At least for me. For example, I know that the 120CF lens is a Makro-Planar f/4 120mm CF, but I probably won’t write that. Short-hand is not a bad thing or disrespectful, IMHO. It is just easy to write.

Happy New Year back and hope your shots come out even better in 2024! :)
Just use “HB”