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Phocus Question

This might be a daft/obvious answer type of question..but..where are my histograms? I'm sure that they used to be there, but now I just get a grey panel with highlight/lowlight and mid values in the white output boxes plus histogram either in Browse or Adjust. Sliders work, but no graph.



Phocus 1.0.2
Windows XP Pro Sp 3
3gb RAM
Intel Core 2 Quad.
Oohhhhh..I see, I have to make a specific selection WITHIN the selected picture, the histogram doesn't automatically appear when the entire picture is selected from the library..odd, but OK..I what happens if I want the histogram of the entire picture then? Regards. David
Sound like you don't have an image loaded into the main viewer window (double click the thumb).
Hello Nick

No, there is definately a picture loaded in the main viewer. But, I then have to use the crop tool to select an area within the picture..only then do I get my histogram for that area. Also, if I select the ENTIRE picture with the crop tool, then the histogram disappears agains. I have uninstalled and re-loaded Phocus, but it makes no difference. Regards. David
Sorry to bother you, but are there any Hasselblad programmers here? My histogram still doesn't show the histogram, but the tones of the picture change when I move the sliders. No histograms in Browse or Adjust mode. I have now uninstalled and re-installed 4 times, no change. What's the problem here guys?


I'll be in Denmark next week and will ask on your behalf, sounds like a bug in the PC version, I've never seen it on mac.
Thanks Nick..I appreaciate your help.

To elaborate..if I select an area using the crop tool, then I get my histogram..for that selected area. When I close the crop tool..histogram disappears too.


Thanks Nick..I appreaciate your help.

To elaborate..if I select an area using the crop tool, then I get my histogram..for that selected area. When I close the crop tool..histogram disappears too.



Hi David
I have talked to the guys here in support and they have not come across this issue.. Are you able to duplicate the issue on another machine with the same software version?

I uninstaled Phocus and then re-installed all versions from Phocus 1 - Phocus it works. Lost my folders etc so I will have to start again, but at least the histograms are back. Still doesn't explain what was wrong, but at least they are back.



Later: seems to be the folder where I put my FR3 files. Didn't show the histograms. When I deleted the folder and reassigned my Capture Destination to a new folder..all worked as expected. Strange...