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Phocus 1.0 now available

I have installed FC 4.8.6 yesterday and PHOCUS 1.0 this morning .
It only runs a little bit faster on my current MAC G5 . I am using a 20" and a 23" screen on my system and in the readme section the GC geforce 8800 GT is strongly recommeded for that configuration .
My new MAC PRO 3 has arrived and will have that GC .
I am curious about the PHOCUS performance on that system .
I am currently using Phocus on my shiny new iMac 24" with NVIDIA grafics. It runs pretty smooth so far with my CVF files..... The last thing i have to do is to add the full possible memory tomorrow (4 GB). :)
Hello Andy

I haven't heard of you since ages .
The new iMAC is a phantastic machine , but I decided to go for a MAC PRO , because I want more than one HD in the same housing , which the iMAC can't have . Your GC is the nVIDIA geforce 8800GS ? ? ? This GC has 3/4 of the power of the 8800GT and it is good to know , that PHOCUS 1.0 runs fine with that card . I will get my new MAC PRO3 on Thuesday next week .
BTW , I still have you on my calendar list . You are not forgotten ! ! !

Regards Jürgen
Hi Jürgen,

i have been busy with everything else. Yes, i have taken the option to custom build my iMac with a larger Disk (750 GB) and the NVIDIA 8800GS card - it seemed to be a good investment into the future since not only Phocus uses the GPU but Aperture and maybe the new PS also.....
I am standing by for the calender project. :)

Greetings Andy
For those wondering about Windows, Hasselblad has confirmed that a Windows version of Phocus should be available within 2 to 3 months (3rd Quarter, 2008).

Steve Hendrix
I have now installed my new MAC PRO3 with the nVIDIA geforce 8800GT GC .
PHOCUS runs absolutely fine now with a 20" and a 23" screen .:z04_photos:
HASSELBLAD Germany will run a 3 hours workshop for PHOCUS in six big cities in Germany . The workshop is for free but you must register . I will attend that workshop on 1st of July .


Very interesting to read that test . Thanks for the link .
As PHOCUS now runs very fine on my new MAC PRO3 , I do not think about getting that "better" GC . I do never play any video games and therefore my existing system will do me fine . Who knows , for how long ? ? ? .

That brings us to the "fatal" point . Once you started using computers for your (photographic) work , you are damned to keep on going with the technical development in hard and software . I am shure , the future wil bring us more and more programs , which need more graphic power and storage space .

You only have two choices then . Either you keep track with the development , or you quit . You shurely will be frustated , whichever way you choose .


Very interesting to read that test . Thanks for the link .
As PHOCUS now runs very fine on my new MAC PRO3 , I do not think about getting that "better" GC . I do never play any video games and therefore my existing system will do me fine . Who knows , for how long ? ? ? .

That brings us to the "fatal" point . Once you started using computers for your (photographic) work , you are damned to keep on going with the technical development in hard and software . I am shure , the future wil bring us more and more programs , which need more graphic power and storage space .

You only have two choices then . Either you keep track with the development , or you quit . You shurely will be frustated , whichever way you choose .


The Digital Age is the disposable age. A digital camera body is "junk" in five years. It's "kind'a" sad.

For owners of older Mac Pros, Phocus runs very well with the ATI 2600 GC upgrade. $170 US.

I have been to the HASSELBLAD PHOCUS welcome tour 2008 this evening .
All function were very well explained . It was a great learning evening . There are more functions to come till the end of the year with PHOCUS 1.1
PHOCUS for MICROSOFT based computers will be available at the PHOTOKINA in September .

Also I have heard very strong rumors , that HASSELBLAD might present a WA camera with tilt and shift functions , similar to ARCA-SWISS and the new SINAR . SINARs camera shall be available shortly after the PHOTOKINA show .
And the 64 million dollar question is...

When will the 64 second exposure bump for the H3DII39 be available?

Kind regards,
The Digital Age is the disposable age. A digital camera body is "junk" in five years. It's "kind'a" sad.


I could not agree more although the economic life span for an H series camera may proof to be longer.
Yesterday I sold one of my trusted 503CW cameras to a newcomer at MF and to film.

A talented guy who is eager to get to know the Hasselblad V system with its wonderfull Carl Zeiss lenses.
I have tried everything to persuade him to go for the H camera as he intends
to use the MF at a later stage with a digital back.
It proved useless. The fame of the system that was responsible for the well deserved Hasselblad reputation was decisive.


You only have two choices then . Either you keep track with the development , or you quit . You shurely will be frustated , whichever way you choose .


May I add a third less frustrating choice:
The use of a legendary classic Hasselblad like the 1600F or 1000F.

Feel connected with a direct line to the days when Victor Hasselblad was about to give the world a great camera that certainly changed the era of photography.

The 1600F is not the best Hasselblad ever made but many surviving cameras are still in use with great results.
