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Phase one back and body consideration


New Member
Hello for all experts here
I want to ask your opinion
I'm considering going from full frame 45mp camera to medium format.
While Fuji seems to be a great option, I'm considering these two. The main object is studio photography- products and maybe portraits.
Phase One DF+ body and IQ 50 back
Phase One XF body with IQ 60 back
Even I hate their software support and how they deal with their C1 clients, still the hardware is a different thing, as well can be procecced in Lightroom.
Their sensors are different(I know that) and hence asking overall opinion
I don’t have an opinion on these as I’ve never used them, but seen tremendous images from them.
My only thought is that if you decide to use them out of the studio, is this still what you want? I have really enjoyed the Hasselblad sensors and the Leica S sensors, but the H system doesn’t work with C1, as you probably know, without modification. I enjoy film as well and so the digital back with a 503cx body and older lenses is fun to combo with film, but the X2 is a really nice upgrade with adapters for older lenses (CF) and leica R lenses (like the APO 180) which I enjoy.

Curious what others say about the Phase One back and how many still use them out of studio…
Just by chance I own the Hasselblad H equivalent backs: iq50 is a CMOS "cropped" sensor (44x33 mm) ( = Hasselblad H5D-50c or H6D-50c, I own the former), with much better ISO capability but less good sharpness at lower Iso; and IQ60, a Dalsa CCD full frame MF (54x40mm) ( = Hasselblad H4D-60 and H5D-60, I own the latter). At lower ISO, colours and sharpness are much better with this much larger sensor, but you can really use it at maximum 400 ISO (at 800 you'll need a denoicer app). The best performance is at 80 ISO. So, it boils down to this: if you usually work in very good light, and don't need to go up with the ISO, than go for the IQ 60. The quality is unbeatable and the effect of such a larger sensor is incredible. Otherwise the IQ 50 will prove more flexible. On the other hand, this same 50 MP cropped MF CMOS sensor is used in the Fujifilm GFX 50 Series (R, S, Sii) and Hasselblad X1D and X1Dii, which are bit lighter and easier to use.
Just by chance I own the Hasselblad H equivalent backs: iq50 is a CMOS "cropped" sensor (44x33 mm) ( = Hasselblad H5D-50c or H6D-50c, I own the former), with much better ISO capability but less good sharpness at lower Iso; and IQ60, a Dalsa CCD full frame MF (54x40mm) ( = Hasselblad H4D-60 and H5D-60, I own the latter). At lower ISO, colours and sharpness are much better with this much larger sensor, but you can really use it at maximum 400 ISO (at 800 you'll need a denoicer app). The best performance is at 80 ISO. So, it boils down to this: if you usually work in very good light, and don't need to go up with the ISO, than go for the IQ 60. The quality is unbeatable and the effect of such a larger sensor is incredible. Otherwise the IQ 50 will prove more flexible. On the other hand, this same 50 MP cropped MF CMOS sensor is used in the Fujifilm GFX 50 Series (R, S, Sii) and Hasselblad X1D and X1Dii, which are bit lighter and easier to use.
Thank you
Do you like iq60 more?
I already have multiple cmos full frame cameras, so I don't think I will be impressed with cropped sensor. IQ60 seems like a better option. Some people suggested me that I skip 60mp sensor, as I already have 45mp full frame and better to go straight for 100mp (either cropped of full MM sensor) because I will not see much of a difference. Also I got suggestion that If I don't print big, there is no any benefit going medium format and there is no unique "look" to 40*54 sensor, while I assume there is still some interesting look it can give for portraits as well as better detail than my ff cameras, the question is if I will be impressed by the difference.
I also have a Nikon D850 with 45MP CMOS sensor, a great camera. But believe me: at low ISOs the difference with the the IQ60 is HUGE. The pictures captures with the 60 are stunning in compare. It is not a matter of MP, it is a matter of incredible details, colours, the famous 3D effect of true MF. Completely different dimension. I loved my Nikon, but now, after months of using my H5D-60, I have no pleasure more with it anymore! But of course it's all personal feelings and impressions, maybe you would feel differently.
I also have a Nikon D850 with 45MP CMOS sensor, a great camera. But believe me: at low ISOs the difference with the the IQ60 is HUGE. The pictures captures with the 60 are stunning in compare. It is not a matter of MP, it is a matter of incredible details, colours, the famous 3D effect of true MF. Completely different dimension. I loved my Nikon, but now, after months of using my H5D-60, I have no pleasure more with it anymore! But of course it's all personal feelings and impressions, maybe you would feel differently.
Wow, your opinion is very helpful, as some people said I will not get any benefit I go lower than 100mp. Interesting.
Do you think H5D-60 or IQ-60 with XF/DF body have advantage one over the other?
Well, I can’t speak for PhaseOne since I never used one. I use the same sensors that is, but in the Hasselblad version as I said. But there are some reviews in the Web comparing the two systems, and I got the impression Hasselblad is a bit better and more reliable. One big caveat though: unfortunately Hasselblad last year discontinued the H series, which raises doubts on how long they will be servicing cameras and backs (they still do, for now). And if you use Capture One consider that it doesn’t support any Hasselblad raw files.