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P45+, why the synch cable ?


New Member
I played around last weekend with a PhaseOne P45+ on my 503CW. Very impressive results. Although the synch cable didn't bother me a lot it is not something I expect when using such expensive equipment. Since the CFV back doesn't need a cable and the CW doesn't have electronic contacts, I suppose the solution is in the software.
Am I missing something here ? If this is indeed a software issue it is hard to understand why there is no solution.

The CVF uses the pin protruding from the back of the camera to get primed for an exposure. At least that is what I understood.

The P45+ does not / is not that tightly matched to the V series system.

The CVF uses the pin protruding from the back of the camera to get primed for an exposure. At least that is what I understood.

The P45+ does not / is not that tightly matched to the V series system.


That is correct..there is a mechanical inter-connect.

I think , the most important thing is , that it works .
With or Without SYNC CABLE .