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Operation of 40mm T C lens


New Member

I am a new Hasselblad user and just bought my first set of 500CM with both 80mm and the 40mm T* C lens. I have searched all over the net but could not find the user manual for the 40mm lens unfortunately.

I have 3 questions:

1. How do I adjust the shutter speed and the Aperture seperately? now they always move together when I rotate the ring.

2. The V X M lever - what is the use of it? and what is the use of the other little lever next to it?

3. What is the little switch/button thing on the other side of the lens? between the words "SYNCHRO" and "COMPUR"?

It will be very appreciated if someone could share the answers with me. I really need to know how to operate the lens..thanks!!

- Bruce
Hi Bruce,

COngratulations with your new "toys", I am sure you will like them!

1. there is a small chrom know on the right/bottom side of the aperture ring. PUll it towards the back of the camera and you can adjust shutter and aperture independently. This applies to all "C" lenses by the way, not only to your C40.

2. V= selftimer X= X flash sync (for electronic flash) M= M flash sync (for the older bulb flashes)

3. that is the aperture stop-down lever

Hello Bruce,

Wilko gave a good description of this lens.
He is the lucky owner of the later CF 40 mm.
I am a poor soul who has to make do with older lenses.
I would like to add something to give you a complete idea what the
C 40 mm is all about

To set the VXM control at a different position like, when you want to use the selftimer marked "V", you need to push the lever at the left of the VXM control to the front of the lens.
"V" is German stands for "Vorlauf"
Normally the control is best left at "X" because that is the most likely position needed.This goes for any "C" lens.

You missed one little control.
That is the one located in the ring to adjust focussing.
Unless you push this control the focussing stops at 0.95 m
It is meant to warn you that focussing at close range will give lesser quality images.

A lens hood is a usefull item for the 40 mm.
If you have not got one yet it is worth spending some money on one.
The hoods are quite big and made of rubber.
Inside the rubber flap is a metal ring that fits to the 104 mm bayonet of the lens.
Both filters and hood can be used at the same time.
To make that possible remove the metal rim from the hood and fit the rubber flap over the filter rim.
The later 40 mm CF FLE is a better lens especially at close range.
Keep in mind Carl Zeiss only makes two sorts of lenses: very good ones and better ones meaning your 40 mm ist still a very good lens.

Hi Bruce,

Don't pay too much attention to Paul's sad stories: he has enough
nice toys from all of Hasselblad's history to keep him happy :cool:

Like a really nice collection of almost all the SW, SWA and SWC models.
And not to forget the 1000f and 1600f.

Don't pay too much attention to Paul's sad stories: he has enough
nice toys from all of Hasselblad's history to keep him happy :cool:


Thank you I was about to shed a tear.

BTW-Paul it looks like you did a great job on that 350F.


Hi Gilbert,

Thanks for the compliment.
I am just a middleman who happens to be lucky when it comes to a good team
of qualified technicians with many years of experience servicing Hasselblad cameras.


Sounds like you made an extraordinary effort! One that few would have taken the time and responsibility to do.



That effort was limited to filling in a customs clearing document on a fourty year old typewriter at the customs office and bringing the lens to my technician who did the conversion.
In all his 39 years with Hasselblad this was the first time he was asked to upgrade an F lens to FE spec.
Never the less he did a good job.

The moment I mounted the lens on my 205 body that recognised the lens and showed the correct F number was quite special.

Back to customs to clear the temporary import permit put the lens back into its box and have the package sealed by a friendly customs officer, another document to fill in, deliver the lens to Deutsche Post get a st& to proof it is on ist way back to the US and send in the st&ed doc to customs. It looks worse than it is.

I like to finish what I once started.
Leaving Terry with a pile of parts was no option when I have the good help of a man who does not walk away from a job he never did before was all there is to it.
