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Old 150 Sonnar


Active Member
Just found an old 150 Sonnar lens. This lens is from the earliest days of the 500 series.
The lens number indicates the lens was made in 1956 that is about a year before the first 500C camera was released.

A nice old lady. Well preserved and still going strong.

Silver lady 1.jpg

150/4 Sonnar 1956


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Hello Paul,
congratulations. This one looks very good. If it has no defects in the glass I'd like to borrow it for a week ;). The same model year like my oldest Planar.

Amazing what these old lenses can do.
A well known photographer lost his 150 silver Sonnar after his equipment was stolen.
He did not want a cfi or a cf he did not even want the T* coated version.
He went through a lot of trouble to get another silver 150 Sonnar.

Yes Ulrik. This lens is in perfect condition.
The glass is excellent except for a minor mark on the front lens. That will not show in any pictures.
You are free to borow it if you think you can do something with this lens.
I had it serviced; helicoid and shutter/aperture are in excellent condition.

This lens is part of my early 500C kit that exists of a 1957 500C body and film backs, a 1956 80 mm Planar lens, this 150 Sonnar and an early 60 mm Distagon.
Hello Paul

attach your-silver liner SONNAR to this camera and you have an other example of the HASSELBLAD V-SYSTEM compatibility .

View attachment 745

Here the 201F from 1994 with the 2,8/80 C-PLANAR from 1956 and sheetfilm adapter . Have fun .

Hello Paul

attach your-silver liner SONNAR to this camera and you have an other example of the HASSELBLAD V-SYSTEM compatibility .

View attachment 745

Here the 201F from 1994 with the 2,8/80 C-PLANAR from 1956 and sheetfilm adapter . Have fun .

I've got one of those sheet film holders and the scissors that go with them up in my loft. I'm thinking of doing some lith shots in the spring.
Is that metering knob actually attached to the lens hood? Never seen that before
Yes, the meter is attached to the lens hood.
In those days Hasselblad also supplied a leather band with fixture to wear the lightmeter on your wrist.
That is quite a rare item. I have seen it only once and regret I do not have one in my collection.

Jürgen is looking for the small cutter to cut film to the correct size for the sheet film holder.
Like me he has the large scissors. He is interested in the small one.
I got one of those as well.



Forward compatible?
The camera and 120 S-Planar I use to take pack shots.


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