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News from HasselbladImacon 39 megs

I still wonder why Imacon can't do that. You can use a back on the focal plane Contax 645 and use those faster lenses. Hmmm?>

It seems very odd as there is no distinction with regard to the 6000 Rollei's auxiliary shutter. Perhaps it is not an issue of can't.


HI to everybody,
considering the fact that the 22MP back was launched few months ago (maybe 3 or 4?) I just wonder if the proof market it is really ready to receive such an expansive technology.
Maybe, instead, the Hasselblad company wants to reach the top in this sector, starting (or winning?) a foolish run to the latest pixel among all the other photographic companies. It's a matter of marketing strategy, as someone else already done before with the Harley&Davindson motorcycles.
So, to own these expansive digital backs could means that someone has reached the top of his career, and making it or becoming a real "status symbol", and Hasselblad company can reach, once again, the top of its class.
I hope that you understand what I mean, in spite of my basic english.
But that means also that the most of us don't really need it at all!!}!

Peace to everybody.