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New Kodak 120 film


I've been one of those wondering about 120 format being released. Very excitng news if I believe what's promised.
In the past, negative shooting was my consideration for its huge DR, easy exposing and cheaper price. But found them all to lack the accutance of reversal film when both scanned. I'm going to give Ektar 100 a try. If it matches Provia in sharpness and lack of grainyness, I'll start using my Hassy again.
I wonder if anyone here has used this film in 35 and what is his/her impression.
In the past, negative shooting was my consideration for its huge DR, easy exposing and cheaper price. But found them all to lack the accutance of reversal film when both scanned. Eduardo

Can't say I've found the same to be true with scanning 120 negative film. I've never been disappointed with ink jet prints made from scanned negatives. In fact, just the opposite.
I've always been a fan of Reala, which should be quite mild compared to the new Ektar. Reala seems to have an almost unlimited amount of detail and contrast when post processed accordingly. That said, I did like the old Ektar's, and still have quite a few rolls of Ektar 25 sleeping in the fridge.
I'm a little concerned that the contrast and saturation of the new Ektar 100 might be too much from what the advertising is advocating.
I do plan to buy a brick of Ektar 100 for landscape work with my 40mm lens, where it loses its wide edge with the CFV.
However, I have a feeling I might still be resorting back to Reala for negative shooting. Reala is very easy to scan, and yields much detail, sharpness, and contrast if you know your way around good post processing. Whether or not Ektar 100 can provide the same is yet to be seen.
It's much easier, in my opinion, to boost a somewhat flat film than it is to tame a high contrasty, super-saturated film. When it comes to accutance or sharpness, I don't see how any film can get any sharper than my Reala prints. Who knows, maybe Ektar 100 will raise the bar.
Michael H. Cothran
I've scanned before 120 film with Epson flatbeds only, various models. Reala and Portra scan good, but for some reason the scans from slides look better to me. It might be the extra punch the contrastry slides give or the super tight grain, don't know.
My experience concerns only these flatbeds, maybe with a dedicated scanner is a different story.
I read today at PhotoNet a thread about a guy scanning the 35mm Ektar 100. The (very small) pic publicized looks great. Somehow looks a little bit different to other negative scans and so he said too.
Ektar 120 looks promising. Exciting!

Can't say I've found the same to be true with scanning 120 negative film. I've never been disappointed with ink jet prints made from scanned negatives. In fact, just the opposite.
I've always been a fan of Reala, which should be quite mild compared to the new Ektar. Reala seems to have an almost unlimited amount of detail and contrast when post processed accordingly. That said, I did like the old Ektar's, and still have quite a few rolls of Ektar 25 sleeping in the fridge.
I'm a little concerned that the contrast and saturation of the new Ektar 100 might be too much from what the advertising is advocating.
I do plan to buy a brick of Ektar 100 for landscape work with my 40mm lens, where it loses its wide edge with the CFV.
However, I have a feeling I might still be resorting back to Reala for negative shooting. Reala is very easy to scan, and yields much detail, sharpness, and contrast if you know your way around good post processing. Whether or not Ektar 100 can provide the same is yet to be seen.
It's much easier, in my opinion, to boost a somewhat flat film than it is to tame a high contrasty, super-saturated film. When it comes to accutance or sharpness, I don't see how any film can get any sharper than my Reala prints. Who knows, maybe Ektar 100 will raise the bar.
Michael H. Cothran
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I know that i am in the wrong area all together but i am having trouble being able to post a question for the forum. I am a new user and my user name is annette. If any one can help me to get started i would greatly appreciate the assistance.


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Still waiting

for Annette question(s)

On other themes, I saw last night Slumdog Millionaire. IMHO, the best movie in years!

I know that i am in the wrong area all together but i am having trouble being able to post a question for the forum. I am a new user and my user name is annette. If any one can help me to get started i would greatly appreciate the assistance.


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