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My CFV just arrived


New Member
I just got a used CFV and spent last night fooling around with it and Flexcolor. My general observations is that this is a nice, well built bit of gear. Other than the display, which is really poor. Flexcolor has a pleasant interface. I have a fair bit of digital gear (Lecia M8, DMR) so as time permits I'll try to do some A/B testing. In the meantime, I have a few questions

1. Is there any way to monitor battery charge levels?
2. Does the TTL mode really only work with the 503CW (I have a 503CX)?
3. I have an EL. Why do I need the EL cord? How does the back "know" I have an EL. If I set the back to 500, shouldn't everything work fine?
4. Where is that exposure compensation dial? I actually thought this before loudly smacking myself on the head.


I can not answer all your questions , but give me a try .

There is no monitor to indicate the batteries charging level .
When your battery comes to a low level charge , you will hear a little , repeatedly (a couple of seconds) beep . Then you should know , its time to have a charged battery ready for replacement . It is like a little birds beep .

The TTL flash mode for the 500CX should work in the same way as for the 503CW .

I have an EL/M but do not use it with the CFV BACK .
I believe , the cabling has got something to do with the syncronization of the cameras mechanical "transport" and the readyness of the CFV for the next shot . So , I would highly recommend to follow the cabling procedure , if you want it or not .

And what is the exposure compensation dial ? ? ?
I have never heard of that .
The following PDF might be of interest for you .

View attachment 1032

3. I have an EL. Why do I need the EL cord? How does the back "know" I have an EL. If I set the back to 500, shouldn't everything work fine?
4. Where is that exposure compensation dial?
EL cord..I don't have an EL but a CW. I assume the EL cord functions in a similar way as the CW cord does with tethered shooting; by connecting the CFV to the winding mechanism.

Exposure comp?? The only CFV function that affects exposure is ISO (I don't include exp >1/8 sec. control)

thanks for the info guys. the exposure comp dial question is a feeble attempt at humour. I have been using autoexposure for so long I almost forgot how to meter.

That is what I like with the CFV back .
You shoot as if it is a film magazine (almost) . No complcated handling .
I am so pleased , that the CFV does not offer the feature of a cell phone , razor or other multi purpose features .


I am thinking of changing my mobile phone.
I have seen one that does make a delicious espresso!!


Great , what brand is it ? ? ?

That is exactly , what I am looking for .

The multi purpose CFV III back , 56x56 sensor , espresso machine , as you say , but most importatnt full access to with just the extended ISO key . An other desired feature would be , a shoeshine device .
Regards Jürgen

You will be surprised:
They are already working on the shoeshine application.
It will be the next SONIA mobile phone.
BTW you can also use the thing to make a call!


You will be surprised:
They are already working on the shoeshine application.
It will be the next SONIA mobile phone.
BTW you can also use the thing to make a call!


In order to do a proper shoeshine one would need a tiltsensor. We do not want that, do we?
