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Misaligned, twisted Bajonet ring


New Member
I bought a second hand CFi 150mm on eBay. Lens is fine but when I mount a lenshood, it clicks in on a position that is 30 degrees off.

I suppose the previous owner applied too much force and twisted the ring. Is there a way to fix this ? The bajonet ring is made of plastic.


I bought a second hand CFi 150mm on eBay. Lens is fine but when I mount a lenshood, it clicks in on a position that is 30 degrees off.

I suppose the previous owner applied too much force and twisted the ring. Is there a way to fix this ? The bajonet ring is made of plastic.



Assuming the CFi has the same construction as the CF: loosening the ring with the lens serial number will loosen the hood-bajonet ring. The ones I saw had an index-pin to avoid the hood-bajonet from becoming unaligned. In my book it would need a 10-thumbs type of person to force the hood-ring but....

Should not be too much of a hassle to fix.

Many thanks, this gave me the courage to try to fix it and it worked. I mounted a filter for extra grip and twisted it back. Everything seems OK now.

