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Your work is excellent Christopher. So is your studio.

As much as you shoot still life, I shoot people, mostly unaware of me at the time.

It seems that shooting tethered would suit your style, but that is 100% a personal choice and preference.

As I mentioned, losing the mirror would be okay with me IF the replacement solution was better ... which based on current examples as of now, it is not IMO.

I do use the mirror delay options on the Hasselblad H camera, and find it quite effective when shooting spontaneously or on location walking around. Like the H4D/40 shot below done hand-held while on Holiday ... ISO 1600 @ 1/25th using the 35-90 @ 35mm f/4 ... yes, I said 1/25th.

I have no issue what-so-ever with the mirrored H cameras and their big bright viewfinder ... I shoot tethered in studio with the mirror locked up and sometimes use the video feed for composition, which is pretty slow and low quality compared to the real thing. Other untethered MFD e-viewing solutions are vaporware, so why worry about it?



  • Hassey-1600.jpg
    584.6 KB · Views: 36
Lovely image, Marc, such slow shutter speeds require a lot of skill and steady hands....
The 35-90mm lens seems like a jewel - and an expensive one at that!
Well old friend, this was right after a Grande Latte at the Starbucks located in the hotel where this shot was taken.

No great shakes as they say : -) Just a vacation snap to show the folks back home.

Canon-Hasselblad ?

Rumors have it that Canon might be looking to buy a medium format camera company. Since Hasselblad presently is owned by a venture capital group, the possibility of a Canon-Hasselblad deal can not be excluded.
That may not be a bad move.... Canon is quite innovative and are probably looking for ways to expand.
Wonder if we'll see a new generation of lenses....
Rumors have it that Canon might be looking to buy a medium format camera company. Since Hasselblad presently is owned by a venture capital group, the possibility of a Canon-Hasselblad deal can not be excluded.

It would be interesting how the direct association with Fuji would be reconciled if Canon bought Hasselblad. I'd hate to see Canon making the lenses for my H Camera. To my knowledge, Canon has no history of making MFD optics, where Fuji does, and is very good at it.

The real opportunity for Hasselblad lies with their recent infusion of capital to take the system to the next level. They have the smarts and are already quite innovative. They were the first to integrate all the components, and use software to correct DAC, which the competition howled about then did the same thing. Hasselblad is the one that solved the age old issue of off-center auto focus shift with their elegant TF/APL solution ... which the competition tries to discount, but sorely wishes they had invented. Hasselblad H is still the only modern MFD camera that takes a WLF, and is still the MB leader in some applications with a 200MB multi-shot back.

Currently P1 has the better over-all digital back and the worst MFD camera out there. Hasselblad has the best camera and needs to leap-frog P1 with new back technology ... specifically the LCD interface, but do it their own innovative way ... which I have absolutely no doubt they will.

Two dream changes I have for the H is: Make the H a dual shutter camera ... H owners already have every focal length in CS lenses, so a camera that also could use a FP shutter @ 1/4000th would be the best of all worlds. The other would be to mend fences with Zeiss and offer a super premium line of ultra high performance ZH optics ... if for no other reason than choice of optical characteristics (which we know Zeiss is capable of producing).

Oh, and make a flip magnifier for the H camera please.

Thanks Marc,
This is a very useful post and commentary.
It would be very good to see a H5 with shutter and if they were to mend fences with Zeiss - imagine having a modern Zeiss 250mm f4.0 or 110 f2.0..... drool.
That said, I like the Fuji lenses a lot (am a big fan of the Xpan) and am surprised at how good the little X100 lens is!
Best, S :)