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MF backs and dust

Braud Michel

New Member
Hello all,

I am reading this forum for a long time now but didn't join. I see all of the CFV owners to be quiet happy with their purchase and it is of course very tempting.... if you can afford.
One question which doesn't seems to have been discussed much is MF backs and dust.
How do you get rid of it ? Tips and tricks welcome for my knowledge.

As mentioned in an earlier post over the CFV, if it was in the 1500/2000 $ range I would sell part of my equipment for one. Sensors manufacturing cost have dropped badly these last years so backs prices should drop sometime.
I have no digital camera beside a P&S bought recently for family use, and DSLRs have far too many gadgets and buttons for me, I am still searching for a simple and effective one.
Meanwhile I attache here two chrome pictures taken long ago with an old 500CM and badly scanned with my cheap flatbed.



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Hello Braud,

Thanks for joining us.
There are special tools to clean any dust if necessary with a digital back.

Sensors are much cheaper now that is right.
A digital back is nothing without the software that is supplied and updated regularly.
That is where a lot of the costs come from.
Hasselblad makes the new software available free of charge.
Other manufacturers charge every update and those new versions are not cheap.

It explains some of the cost for Hasselblad digital backs.
Of course you may wonder whether current prices are justified.
That is what we may discuss at our next grand annual meeting in Ajaccio.
It gives you a chance to meet other Hasselblad users.

Hello Paul,

Thanks for your reply, I will be very happy to see you coming here for sure, when this could be ? Any date fixed already ?


PS : I would like to change my user name, too long to type each time, I edited my profile but didn't find how to change it.
Hi Braud,

You can log in automatically if you choose that option.
Changing your user name is not possible as far as I know.
At least not for me.

Our next meeting for moderators is at Recklinghausen in Germany.
I will show your invitation to the forum management.
My suggestion to meet in Melbourne was not accepted, have no idea why.

Hello Braud. Welcome.

Thanks for posting your images - lovely work. The first would make a wonderful large print - nice art.

Like you I am sticking with chromes and negs for a long time yet - simply an issue of cost. :)
Hello Simon,

Thanks for looking, yes it is a matter of cost, I am an amateur and my equipment doesn't pay for itself, I just cannot afford a digital back, it is the price of a nice second hand car and I need one too :-(
I guess it would pay films + treaments for the rest of my life, I try hard to strike a jackpot but it doesn't smile to me so far but you know 100% of the winners have tried their luck :)
