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Bison (Bison bison) in Yellowstone NP....This group looked tired cold and hungry as they walked by...1/2 of the herd died this past winter... 503CWD+ 50/4 CF FLE


  • Antelope Canyon 2-3.jpg
    Antelope Canyon 2-3.jpg
    81.5 KB · Views: 87
  • Antelope Canyon 2-3.jpg
    Antelope Canyon 2-3.jpg
    81.5 KB · Views: 87
In the wild

This old guy looked to be fat & sassy when I found him in the wild last Spring. The find was quite unexpected as I was in North carolina at the time. :)


This old guy looked to be fat & sassy when I found him in the wild last Spring. The find was quite unexpected as I was in North carolina at the time. :)



By some reason these reptiles - NOT mammals - make me shudder - the only problem with 6x6 pictures is that they seem to make them alive
Bison (Bison bison) in Yellowstone NP....This group looked tired cold and hungry as they walked by...1/2 of the herd died this past winter... 503CWD+ 50/4 CF FLE

Great picture! Te high key effect of the snow lets the animal pop right out of the picture, stunning effect.

Thanks for sharing!