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Loose Lens Cap on CF Lens

Anyone have a cure for a front lens cap that won't stay on tight? It's on a CF lens with standard 60mm bayonet. Problem is with the lens, not the cap. Owning 4 CF lenses with the same bayonet mount, all the caps fit tight on the other 3 lenses, and none of the caps fit tight on the culprit lens. I don't see any visual distress in the lens bayonet. One day I fear it will be gone, lost on a trail somewhere. Any suggestions?
Have a new front ring fitted to your lens seems the only solution.

Hasselblad lenscaps become harder with age.
Now there are Chinese lenscaps for sale at eBay that are made from softer material.
Using one of those on your lens may solve the problem at a fraction of the cost that is neccesary to replace the frontring of the lens.
Some people do not like it or argue with reduced optical quality but as use my Hasselblads outdoors I always have a protection filter attached. So if you put on a UV-filter (where you can adjust the tightness of the fitting) you have a new bayonett where to mount the lens cap on. If you fear that this will degrade your images, remove the glass from the filter.

Best Regards
I see this is an old post but just found I have the same issue. I got a new 80 2.8 lens and the lens cap is loose. I wondered it it was the lens or the cap but just bought a Hassy orange filter at Audorama and it is loose too. Sure hate to lose either one. Where to you send a lens to get a new front ring fitted?
That depends on where you are located.

Germany: Hasselblad Ahrensburg.

UK: Hasselblad Elstree or independent camera service JD Camtech in London.

USA: Hasselblad New Jersey or independent camera service David Odess in Massachusetts

Sweden: Hasselblad Goteborg or independent camera service David Knapman in Landsvetter
Thanks. I am in the US, in New Orleans. I should and will send the lens in. But first, I now need a second lens for my system. What luck and fortune! As if I needed the excuse. Being in New Orleans I think I should go wide angle with all the French Quarter sights. But I did have my heart set on more of a telephoto. What do to? I can't afford both right now. I guess I will look for the sweetest deal either long or short and go for it.
Think of what lens you would be able to use more often.
It is a buyers market prices for decent lenses have never been friendlier.

For some users the 50 mm WA is sort of first choice.
If you do portraits the 150 is the one to go for.
Good samples of these lenses go for 15-25 % of their former retail price. :)
Thanks. I am in the US, in New Orleans. I should and will send the lens in. But first, I now need a second lens for my system. What luck and fortune! As if I needed the excuse. Being in New Orleans I think I should go wide angle with all the French Quarter sights. But I did have my heart set on more of a telephoto. What do to? I can't afford both right now. I guess I will look for the sweetest deal either long or short and go for it.

Get a Distagon CF50FLE. You will not regret it.
See what I mean!
The FLE versions are summit.
The others are very good.

Carl Zeiss only made two sorts of lenses:
very good ones and even better ones.
lens caps...

Many years ago (mid-1970s) I bought an oriental made cover for the lens hood. This was a very good solution, as I always use a hood and I also always have a UV filter on. The friction fit worked very well for many years until I lost the cap. And they have not been available that I have seen for all the years since.
A couple of years ago, I noted that Op Tech had a new cap that has worked wonderfully well for me called the Hood Hat. These are dense neoprene sewn stretchable lens caps that work really well over lens hoods. I use them on all my lenses now. They fold and stow easily in my pocket (pants or jacket) and they do not slip off the lenses. Available in a range of sizes, I recommend them...
Al Bowers
Hasselblad made a lens cap that fits nicely over the round shade used for 38/50/60 mm C series lenses.
I will have to look up the partnumber. :eek:

Hasselblad made a lens cap that fits nicely over the round shade used for 38/50/60 mm C series lenses.
I will have to look up the partnumber. :eek:



I used to have one on my C50 with shade. Shade I had attached permanently

Really recommended!

loose lens cap

I haven't been on in awhile. I finally stumbled on why may lens cap was so loose. As well as the orange filter I tried to keep on. It seems that the inside piece that holds the front lens element in place was screwed out a bit. I hand turned it to be snug and the cap and filter stay on. I am sure the right thing to do is send the lens off to get serviced. I expect that I may get contamination inside the lens if it was/is loose. Any expert input anyone?