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Loose Filter Question


Hi, all - I have a Hassy bay 60 yellow filter (German) and I noticed that the glass element is quite loose in the housing. No change when I mount the filter on a lens, still loose. Filter mounts normally - not distorted. None of my other filters have this slop. Do these filters come apart or loosen up somehow? The filter glass is intact and seems fine.
B+W or Heliopan?

I had the same problem once with an original Hasselblad (B+W) filter.

The solution for me was simple:
Look at the rim of the filter and you will probably find an inner ring with two notches.
Use a small screw driver and carfully turn this inner ring clockwise.
That should fix the loose yellow part of the filter.
I had the same problem once with an original Hasselblad (B+W) filter.

The solution for me was simple:
Look at the rim of the filter and you will probably find an inner ring with two notches.
Use a small screw driver and carfully turn this inner ring clockwise.
That should fix the loose yellow part of the filter.

Hi, Paul - It's a Hasselblad piece - not sure who produced it for them. There are no notches on mine, just the bayonet fittings on either side (front/back). I'll try nesting with another filter to see if I can turn it either way. Thanks.

  • Panasonic - DMC-TZ1
  • 8.7 mm
  • ƒ/3.5
  • 1/30 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 80


  • P1000544.jpg
    17.9 KB · Views: 47
I found the ring, Paul - no notches, but inside the filter housing facing the lens. Thanks for the assist.
These Hasselblad filters were produced by the German B+W factory for Hasselblad.
If I understand you correctly the problem is solved?

These Hasselblad filters were produced by the German B+W factory for Hasselblad.
If I understand you correctly the problem is solved?


Yes, all fixed. There was no way to grasp the inner ring with tools without doing damage. But, since it was loose already, I was able to disassemble by hand and reassemble without a problem. I may add a drop of thread lock if it comes loose again.