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Lightroom, Aperture, FlexC, Phocus and file formats


New Member
I have a lot of questions about softaware and file format...

First Q :
- What is the difference between .fff and .3fr files ?

I do a lot of HighKey Photos. So I need a particular command into software to preserve very high lights. As far as I know, Only 3 software can do that : LightRoom, Aperture 2.0 and Capture One 4.0.

I seems that Aperture can open .fff files. I think that LR 2.0 will do so.

But now I must export DNG and develop them into LR

- Do u know if Phocus will have the Very High Lights control ?
- Have somebody heard about .fff files opened by the next version of LR
- Is Aperture working well with .fff files ?

Excuse me for mistakes, I am French...

An example of HK photo developped into LightRoom :
I have a lot of questions about softaware and file format...

First Q :
- What is the difference between .fff and .3fr files ?
A .3fr is the raw file captured in camera. FFFs are the files that Flexcolour works with. This wil;l change with Phocus to an all 3fr workflow.
I do a lot of HighKey Photos. So I need a particular command into software to preserve very high lights. As far as I know, Only 3 software can do that : LightRoom, Aperture 2.0 and Capture One 4.0.

As long as you use the clipping display in flexcolour you can be sure to preserve highlight detail. Do you mean highlight recovery?

Excuse me for mistakes, I am French...

Pas de probleme, my French is terrible!
An example of HK photo developped into LightRoom :
Tres Jolie

A .3fr is the raw file captured in camera. FFFs are the files that Flexcolour works with. This wil;l change with Phocus to an all 3fr workflow.


As long as you use the clipping display in flexcolour you can be sure to preserve highlight detail. Do you mean highlight recovery?

No. With Lightroom you can do this :

- You expose your photo "right" (with the highlights fully on the right of the Histogram)
- You open the raw file into LR
- You overexpose the "exposition" of the photo for 1,5 stop
- So the High highlights are burned for 1,5 stop
- With the cursor "Highlights recovery", you recover the burned higlights (for an amount of 1,5 stop) : Your photo isn't burned anymore
--> You got a beautiful HighKey photo, with a 1,5 stop "shift" of the highlights

--> Totally impossible with FlexC. Only possible into LR, C1 ans Aperture 2.0

Tres Jolie

Thx for her :)