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Lightroom 2.4 for Mac available

Adobe lr2.4


I have installed the update this morning , but had now time to do any test yet .
LR and Phocus are almost identical , at least in the handling .
I will keep both as I also have other digital gear , like the LUMIX G1 .

Now . . . . testing .

As far as I understood the README section of LR2.4, you can not use PSCS3 for files opened with LR2.4 .
As I use PSCS3 and PSCS4 (parallel) , I have decided to deinstall LR2.4 again and use LR2.3 .
For HASSELBLAD 3FR files , I use PHOCUS 1.2 anyway .
My very personel opinion is , that not all updates show an advantage .

It's available for Windows as well!!

If you want to open the raw file in Photoshop CS3 (Edit in...) you can't because CS3 does not support CR5.4 but you can export as a tiff and work in CS3 as normal. This is what I do anyway so I'll stick with LR2.4 for now just because it's so much easier than converting in Phocus or Flexcolor. I'll do some checks as to the quality difference between the 2 workflows though.

The Camera Raw thing is a bit of a nuisance though, it is Adobe trying to strong arm users to upgrade to CS4, which IMHO isn't that great a version upgrade, I'm waiting to see what CS5 is like.
It's available for Windows as well!!

If you want to open the raw file in Photoshop CS3 (Edit in...) you can't because CS3 does not support CR5.4 but you can export as a tiff and work in CS3 as normal. This is what I do anyway so I'll stick with LR2.4 for now just because it's so much easier than converting in Phocus or Flexcolor. I'll do some checks as to the quality difference between the 2 workflows though.

The Camera Raw thing is a bit of a nuisance though, it is Adobe trying to strong arm users to upgrade to CS4, which IMHO isn't that great a version upgrade, I'm waiting to see what CS5 is like.


Do I get you right here , when I export a file as TIFF from LR2.4 , that I can work with that file in either CS4 or CS3 ? ? ? .
Yes , I believe , that ADOBE wants to get the people to upgrade to CS4 .
This is a kind of hidden marketing policy , coming in through the back door .
Yes absolutely, I tried it. The limitations are, as far as I can see, that you cannot open a Lightroom 2.4 DNG in CS3 because LR 2.4 expects to use Camera Raw 5.4, which only works with CS4, CS3 is limited to Camera Raw 4.6. But the tiff file format, at least, is still universal, so a 16 bit tiff exported from LR2.4 will work fine with CS3.
Thanks Pete

That was not so clear to me . So I will reinstall LR2.4 again today .
I never use DNG because for me the 16bit RGB TIFF is the better workflow .

I will be out for a CFV shooting tomorrow . Finally the wether is better now .
