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Lenses - views & experiences sought

I'm looking for a wide angle now and not sure which way to go. The 35-90 is essentially the same size as the 120 which is ok but doesn't fit my typical idea of a small/quick wide angle. However, it is a zoom so that helps. Don't know much about the 35 or 50 and the 28 is a little wide for what I shoot.
Pricks up ears. You can use Canon L lenses on a H camera? How, tell me more, more. I would love to be able to use my 24-105 on the H2.

This is a lens post; I was directing people to my website for numerous HC[D] samples.

For full disclosure, before 2005, I used Canon, so there are some photographs on my website that were not made with the H platform, but instead, were created with Canon, and my Canon L lenses. And a Fuji 617.

I didn't think it would cause confusion, my apologies.

Kind regards,
Derek Jecxz
Pricks up ears. You can use Canon L lenses on a H camera? How, tell me more, more. I would love to be able to use my 24-105 on the H2.


That must be a misunderstanding .
I believe you can not use CANON L lenses on any HASSELBLAD camera .
First of all , the image circle would not cover the 120 film size , but perhaps the 37x37mm sensor or with restrictions the 36x48mm sensor .
Also I doubt , there would be an adapter .
Correct me , if I am wrong .

New 28mm

This is one of my first attempts with the 28mm. I love this lens.


  • GrissMill1.jpg
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  • GrissMill1.jpg
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I think that pic has huge potential but it posts a little dark on my monitor. Would love to see it a little brighter.
Thats kind of you - thank you. Here it is. Did quite a few panos with the 28mm, like this one, that have been stitched but not processed very well yet


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  • panoramajp2.jpg
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