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Lens cleaning


New Member
Hello all,
I'm wondering if anyone might know what Hasselblad recommends the for cleaning of Xpan lenses? I've just flipped thru the User Manual and couldn't find anything on the topic. I'd like to know what the "approved" method & materials are so that I can obtain the necessary supplies to have on hand before the need arises.
Also, on a related note, has anyone experimented with comparing the use of UV filter vs. no filter in terms of image quality. I'm debating weather or not to use the filters, and would like to hear any opinions pro or con.
Mark, First of all there is no "magic" to lens cleaning fluid. For my Leicas and Contaxes I use Isopropyl Alcohol and a lens cleaning tissue. I've used this method for 50 years!! and still use some of the lenses. Pour a drop of the Isopropyl on the tissue(torn in two) and g-e-n-t-l-y wipe in a circular motion(centre to periphery)
With another tissue (torn in two) again gently wipe in a similar motion to "polish". Remember, it is better to keep your lens clean, than to keep cleaning your lens!
With a high quality filter (Leica, B+W, Heliopan)versus no filter, I have NEVER seen a difference in quality of the recorded image during the past 50 years. A filter is also a very good way of keeping your lens clean, so you only have to clean the filter (same method as above)
Thanks Colin - I appreciate the half-century's worth of experience, and I will plan to use a good UV filter!
Half century!!!! Makes me feel so old.
I actually started photography when I was 10 yrs old. My father was a professional and I guess I inherited his genes. (also his equipment later..Leica M4 and various lenses) Learned to do all my B & W darkroom stuff including making up the developers and fixers from the seperate ingredients. Those were the days!
I'd like to get some advise from your B&W darkroom experience.
I am used to doing my own printings and I would like to get the best possible out of B&W negs, including XPan. . My enlarger max neg size is 6x6cm and obviously it would take a 6x7cm to cover XPan negs. I am therefore looking for a larger enlarger. What do you think of multigrade / color vs condenser head. Would a multigrade head be abble to produce as sharp results as a condenser head?
Pascal, I think that multigrade and colour heads are very convenient and can make the darkroom work very enjoyable.
All my printing experience comess from 35mm B&W with a condenser enlarger and single grade papers. My belief is that a condenser enlarger will give you sharper results than a diffusion head. It will also give you shorter exposure times.
One must remember that successful 35mm processing requires the utmost care and cleanliness and the negative side of condenser light sources , is their unforgiving trait of showing all dust and/or scratches.
I have used condenser, cold light, and color heads on enlargers and much prefer the color head with multicontrast paper to a condenser or cold light with graded paper. A couple of years ago I purchased a used Durst M670 Color enalrger. Prints made with the Durst did appear different from those made with my Beseler condenser enlarger. At first, I thought everything printed with the M670 appeared flat in comparison with everything printed with the Beseler enlarger. I was ready to sell the Durst and pull out the 23C. In time, I began to see the "flatness" as extended tonal scale. (I may be only kidding myself.) Prints made with the diffuse light of the color head were sharp without displaying the "harshness" I associate with prints made with a condenser enlarger. In my years of using a condenser enlarger, I had become adept in spotting prints. Skies were the worst of all. Prints made with a diffuse light of a color or vc head require MUCH less spotting than those made with my old condenser enlarger. In addition, a color head facilitates split-contrast printmaking. If anyone were to ask my advise about enlarger light sources, I would recommend a color or vc enlarger. BW
Many thanks for your most valuable advises.
I now have to make a choice that will take all pros and cons into account. The very thing was not to miss any pro or con and this where you have been very helful. I'll keep you posted.

