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Kodak Calender 12 Transparency Photos


Today, I received a large 2007 calender from Kodak and all of the photographs were made with Ektachrome ISO 100 transparency film. Is there something to this?

BTW-They look good too!


Hi Gilbert,

What do you mean with "is there something to this?" ? My non-native English showing I suppose..

By the way: E100 is a nice film, to my eyes a bit to the cool/ blueish side of the spectrum. But nice.


"is there something to this>
No Digital!

I only use the the E100 VS I like the look and seems to help the sky here sometimes as there is usually moisture in the air, or just the very boring gray marine layer here near Seal Beach, Ca. then I save it. To me it is as close as I seen to near my lifelong favorite Kodachrome 25 and I do appreciate the extra speed. (I wish I had a truck load of Kodachrome 25).

I recall many years ago Ektachrome 64 was preferred by many over Kodachrome in southern Utah to enhance the rich iron oxide. To me it did make a difference there when the sun was bright, and the air clear blue skies.

BTW-Congratulations as many times as I have been to Utah I think you were there on a very special day and made a striking photograph. Last September it was snowing at dawn as I drove into Capital Reef on to Flaming Gorge. What a treat.

Every time I have gone to Monument Valley there was so much haze that is was just colorless, very disappointing.


Given that most camera manufacturer's calendars are of a very high professional standard, (e.g.Leica,Hasselblad,Sinar,etc), it would be difficult for Kodak to produce a calendar from current high end digital equipment of their own.

I suppose they could credit the picture with something such as
"Taken with Leica M8,35mm Summilux Asph. utlising Kodak sensor." ??

Until they produce another MF digital back or professional calibre DSLR, their calendars will feature celluloid, acetate, or Estar based images.
I love it!!
Kodak owns Leaf and images from Leaf Aptus digital backs could have been used if that was what was wanted.

Maybe it was the photographer(s) that was of interest, and they happen to use film.

Or, it was indeed a nice nod to film. Kodak does make and sell film : -)
Kodak may own Leaf, but a Leaf advertisement isn't a Kodak advertisement.

Advertising isn't so much about pushing a particular product, but about pushing a brand. So it's important that something with the right brand attached to it features in it.
professional standard, (e.g.Leica,Hasselblad,Sinar,etc), it would be difficult for Kodak to produce a calendar>

Actually each photograph is represented by the copyrighted photographer, notes the location, and specific film, E100VS, E100S...

I am sure they have the ability to do what ever they want, considering all of their advanced achievements, in medical, science, space exploration, cameras, lenses, the mirror for the Hubble, film development, and enough to fill volumes more! And, vast business relationships that I am sure could produce any kind of calendar: halographic perhaps.

Since, they make sensors, they could also advertise that with a calender. Just like "Intel Inside" on computers.


Hi Gilbert,

Yes, well, I guess Kodak wants promote their own brand name (Kodak) over their digital sensor/back business brand name. But I do not always understand marketing people (I happen to work quite a lot with them) so I could very well be wrong.

As for Utah: these pictures were taken in April 2005. I have been in Utah on earlier occasions, unfortunataly only with a 35mm SLR. That was in the July/August time frame. Maybe I was lucky again back then, but I also found nice clear vistas.

But I feel that almost every day can be special over there. In April 2005 I had one overcast day, which made Arches NP look very 'flat' in colors. Although people recommend against shooting at mid-day I have had quite some success, especially with the not-to-contrasty Portra films. I guess something like Velvia would be well over the top in contrast under those lighting conditions. I have yet to shoot chromes (still have quite some Ektachrome 100 in the fridge) in Utah. I think under the right conditions some stunning scenes should be possible. There is something in MF chromes on the light table that compares to nothing. (Well, maybe 4x5 or 8x10 chromes, but I have never done something close to those sizes ;)
