Medium Format Forum

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Jerry Skrocki here


New Member
Thank you for allowing me to join your forum. I live in upstate New York. I have been a photographer for over 50 years. I started with a Kodak Instamatic camera when I was 13 years old, graduating to a Pentax Spotmatic F while in the US Army, years later the first autofocus camera, the Minolta Maxxum system and Olympus Stylus. I eventually went digital about 25 years ago with the Fuji MX2900, Olympus L1, then the Canon 1Ds, Canon 7d, Canon M3. I switched over to the Fuji system with the XT1 and currently own a Fuji XT4, Fuji XT5, and a Leica Q3(love that little camera). Today I received my first medium format camera, the Hasselblad X2D Earth Explorer Limited Edition Kit. This was a bucket list purchase. The first images out of this camera are truly amazing.