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iXpress 132C has goop inside IR filter AGAIN!


New Member
Does anybody experience this speading goop underneath the IR filter on the iXpress Imacon 132 C except me? It looks like fog or maybe a very slight haze and then continues to spread.
I sent the back in once before and had it cleaned at the Denmark factory in their clean room. $500.
Any other way to clean it out or prevent it?
Where are you located Wick? I ask as this can be a problem if your living
within a tropic region near the equator or a very high humid zone.
From your description , it sound like moisture or possibly already fungus?
which is what moisture will lead to eventually.
So its not a case of how to get of it, but what preventive measures can you take to stop it from occurring again.
When was the last time you had it serviced for this issue ?
goop on IR filter of132C iXpressssss

Hey man, thanks for the thoughts- I think you are right. I am in Miami and it is quite humid and warm down here. BUT. I had this problem last year and had to send the back back to Imacon/Hassleblad for a standard $500 "cleaning", along with first class postage, insurance and a loss of use for 3 weeks... A total pain.
So, if I cannot open it up and clean it, why can they if they send it back and it can be infiltrated by mould and moisture? I think it is implied the IR filter is hermetically sealed and therefore can only be opened up in a clean room.
I don't know about you, but I shoot my camera on cloudy warm days and often shoot in near snowing conditions as well. My back ought to work and work and work for the amount it cost!
Correct Wick! , they are hermetically sealed, hence why doing it your self
will probably more than likely expedite the advancement of any moisture that might seep into the Ixpress back again!? into a fungus state.

Wick this is always going to be an issue with photographic equipment especially in regions such as where you are.
No matter what technology is developed man will be hard pressed @ combating these weather born phenomenons.

However preventive measures are at hand , to help in preventing you experiencing this again , with either this back or any other future camera equipment.
Speaking from experience , this is most definitely not a Hasselblad only issue.

You might want to invest in one of these for the future.

Also there is this company based in Singapore ...whether or not they have any subsidiaries in your neck of the woods I don't know ? but they certainly specialize in them and they are within a temperate zone , not unlike your´s , so they should know what they are talking about & making.
One possible mitigation method

Does anybody experience this speading goop underneath the IR filter on the iXpress Imacon 132 C except me? It looks like fog or maybe a very slight haze and then continues to spread.
I sent the back in once before and had it cleaned at the Denmark factory in their clean room. $500.
Any other way to clean it out or prevent it?

Wick, I have an Ixpress V96C, I live in Malaysia where it's either hot and wet or very hot and very wet, and I used to get this every 2 - 3 months, despite storing it in a dry cabinet. I was never able to clean it myself, as doing anything to it yourself will most times result in an even more expensive repair. And yes, it cost me EURO 315 + insurance + shipping each and every time.

The solution? Keeping it in the dry cabinet isn't enough because it only protects it while it is in the cabinet, but you have to protect it whenever you can when you take it out of the dry cabinet. I know it sounds like a pain, but the key is to protect it whenever you go from cold environments out into a warm one. When you have to do that, you need to keep your back/camera dry. You can either get a dry box and place silica gel in it and place either the back only, or the whole camera inside the dry box, or else buy 1 gallon ziploc bags and throw a bag of silica gel inside the ziploc and keep the back sealed inside it within it's protective casing. Basically, it is most critical to do this when you go from cold to warm, which is where condensation and moisture build up usually happens. Of course, keep an eye on your silica gel - and make sure that you swap them when required. I have been using ziploc bags and the silica gel method effectively for 5 months now. I don't know if this will keep my condensation and fungus free for the whole year or not... remains to be seen.

I am looking for more information about this matter. I just recently discovered that my Ixpress 528C back is clouded beneath the IR filter. I have two Canon digital cameras and I have no idea how I may discover this problem before it advances too far. If anyone notices my post and you have more information, please share it with me. I hope to have more information within the next week. If I have can provide more information, I will share it here.