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IPTC Problem


New Member
We use a Hasselblad H3D-39 with the latest version of Flexcolor, and PS/B CS3.

When I go to edit metadata, the Hasselblad filename seems to automatically write to the description (caption) field. EG: A 36456

Even if you change this to, lets say 'young woman'. When you upload it to any agency the caption you added (young woman), disappears and in it's place is the Hasselblad filename (A 37465).

Is there anyway to stop this default action? Be it on the camera or the software (FC).

Thanks very much.

We use a Hasselblad H3D-39 with the latest version of Flexcolor, and PS/B CS3.

When I go to edit metadata, the Hasselblad filename seems to automatically write to the description (caption) field. EG: A 36456

Even if you change this to, lets say 'young woman'. When you upload it to any agency the caption you added (young woman), disappears and in it's place is the Hasselblad filename (A 37465).

Is there anyway to stop this default action? Be it on the camera or the software (FC).

Thanks very much.



I have the feeling this issue may never be resolved in Flexcolor. I also brought this request to Hasselblad's attention oh, probably a year ago or so. What we find - at least now - is that if the caption field has been changed, that change does show up in the description field of CS3, for example. And that when Flexcolor is re-launched, it does hold that new name.

As far as eliminating that default action, I have unfortunately noticed that Phocus follows the same path. While it's unlikely Flexcolor will make this adjustment, my hope is that Phocus will make this change so that the default action for what is now the description field in Phocus is no longer the file name.

Thanks for bringing this up again and prompting me to check Phocus to see if that change was made, which it was not. I will again bring this to Hasselblad's attention.

I'll let you know what comes of this.

Steve Hendrix
Excellent, thanks for the reply. How were you planning on letting them know? I emailed support but no reply!

It just seems silly to me that it would default the filename into the description field, as there really is no gain in the action because filenames are readily available in the filename field :S

I was kind of hoping for a Flexcolor fix as we use PCs therefore Phocus is unfortunately not an option for us.

Thanks for your help though Steve
Just had a thought, I could try changing the default byline in Flexcolor (I think byline is caption) and see if that changes anything. Maybe then when re-changing in PS3 it may work. I'll let you know how that goes.
Excellent, thanks for the reply. How were you planning on letting them know? I emailed support but no reply!

It just seems silly to me that it would default the filename into the description field, as there really is no gain in the action because filenames are readily available in the filename field :S

I was kind of hoping for a Flexcolor fix as we use PCs therefore Phocus is unfortunately not an option for us.

Thanks for your help though Steve


I have collaborated with Hasselblad on some developmental issues in the past and have some personalized relationships that have been beneficial, although the content still needs to be relevant, regardless of the relationship...

Yes, I don't understand why the caption/description field defaults to the file name in the first place - I can't think of a reason why that would be a benefit.

Hopefully Phocus (PC version) will be along shortly and I hope by that time they also have made that change.

Sending in your input to is good, even if you don't get a response. You might also send your request to, even if you're not using Phocus, your specific request is still relevant to the application. This email link is designed for input/bug reports for the Phocus application.

Steve Hendrix