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Incorporating Phocus into my X2D photo editing workflow


New Member
How many of you guys incorporate Phocus into your picture processing workflow. I tried Phocus back in 2018 when I had a H6D 100c but it was painfully slow then even on my top of the line MacPro. Im waiting for a new X2D and hopefully Phocus would have improved since 2018.
I'm guessing ideally import the RAW .3FR files into Phocus, work on the exposure, any keystone adjustments make any colour tweaks then hand off into Photoshop for final adjustments.............Does that all sound about right? Any workflow tips would be much appreciated .
How many of you guys incorporate Phocus into your picture processing workflow. I tried Phocus back in 2018 when I had a H6D 100c but it was painfully slow then even on my top of the line MacPro. Im waiting for a new X2D and hopefully Phocus would have improved since 2018.
I'm guessing ideally import the RAW .3FR files into Phocus, work on the exposure, any keystone adjustments make any colour tweaks then hand off into Photoshop for final adjustments.............Does that all sound about right? Any workflow tips would be much appreciated .
I’m an H6D-100c shooter and only use phocus. It’s slow on my 2012 iMac but it has the best screen, so still preview there. The 2019 MacBook Pro is what I take on jobs away from home. It’s fine to work with speed wise but runs incredibly hot. I just got an M3 MacBook last year and it’s marginally faster again. (Great for DaVinci resolve a game changer there)
The color space in phocus is great to work with. I also like the tools in phocus and so it’s a perfect one stop solution for everything, so much so, I have never seen a need for photoshop. And editing speeds have been fine since I got the 2019 MacBook