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Hi! New member and first post!
I’ll keep it short and tight;

I recently acquired a Hasselblad 500C, and on a whim, I also snagged a Mamiya Leaf Aptus-II 22DM digital back.

In my naive world, I’d like to pair them together, so I can shoot digital as well as analog.

However I cannot find any previous marriage of the two, or any suitable adapter online.

So should I contact someone to custom-make an adapter? How to move forward?

Sell the Mamiya and save up for a phase one/ hasselblad back?

Fredrik Eriksson
There are no adapters - the mount on some backs can be changed, but it will cost more than the back is worth.
Yes, sell the Mamiya back and buy something that fits the Hasselblad - Phase One or Leaf (V-mount) -
or sell the Hasselblad and keep the Mamiya back (I would keep the Hasselblad - a Leaf Aptus-II 22DM is not something I would give up a Hasselblad for...)