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Well-Known Member
We had a related thread to this topic , but as i hate very long threads , i will open a new one .
This topic is specially addressed to Q.G and SERGIO , but of course all experience is very welcome .

Now , here is the topic .

Using a V96C or the new CFV digital back , what is the maximum image size you can obtain , not using extra interpolation and a print resolution of
300dpi or 360dpi ? ?

My understanding is as follows (but might be wrong) :
The V96C sensor is 36,9x36,9 mm (36,7x36,7 for CFV) and has 4080 x 4080 pixels (2780 ppi)
Now , calculating the one side of the square ,
2780 devided by 360 gives a factor of 7,72 .
As the side of the square sensor is 3,67 cm , this would result in a maximum printable size (without extra interpolation) of 3,67 x 7,72 . This makes 28,34 cm . Or 34 cm when using 300 dpi for printing .
Has anyone experience in printing images form V96C digibacks and possibly bigger sizes ? ? ?

Neither the size of the sensor, nor the sensor's pixel density is important. Only the desired dpi and the number of pixels.

So there's a quicker, less roundabout way of arriving at the same numbers: if you aim to print using 300 dpi, the size of the print can be 4080 / 300 = 13.6 inch = 34.6 cm

Provided the digital image is good, printing from a file at 300 dpi produces good results too. Even at 180 dpi the result will be fine.

Interpolation can help 'beef up' a file to meet demands for higher pixel counts.
A 2x upsize (linear) is quite possible, still without producing any obvious sign of tinkering.
> You also have to consider "viewing distance"...a 18-24-36 in print > is not meant to be viewed at "arm's length" like an 8x10. You need > 200-300 dpi for an 8x10 "up close and personal", but can get by > with fewer dpi if the image is hung high on the wall, a stairwell,

> a billboard, etc.
I'm using a V96C with 503CW, 203FE+CFE-Lenses, 903 and H1 (with H1 Adaptor) and printing with a Canon i9950 printer (A3+ = 329mm wide). I am very happy with the results at 300dpi. If you crop the picture to the full A3+ format(329x483mm) and print with 220dpi the result is still good imho. File size is 47.63MB
Q.G. , Robert and Paul

Thank you very much for your contributions . Sounds all good and satisfactory to me and i am pleased with the resulting sizes .
Q.G. , so , my formular was not wrong , but as i see , far too complicated .

So , why doing it the easy way , when you have a chance to do it more complicated . ? ?

I have further questions , related to using filters with a DIGIBACK

Can you use all filters , as you did for film ? ? for ex&le skylight (haze) and polfilters ? ? are there any restrictions ? ? or special precautions ? ?

Who has experience with B/W digital images ? Can you simply use yellow , orange and red filters as you did , when using B/W film ? How is the contrast of the images ? does black turn out as real black or just as a very very dark grey ?
Can you control exposure/contrast in a similar way than using ZONE SYSTEM . (expanding or lowering contrasts , when needed)
your questions made me remind the hasselblad digital training workshop in Hamburg I attended several weeks ago. I think they still offer it in different places in germany. For me it was a good introduction into the digital workflow and worth the 190euros.
They used the H-system with 22mp digibacks, Epson printers and photoshop. It lasts 1day and gives you answers to all your questions above.
Btw the picture I shot there and printed afterwards was 590x780mm. Crisp sharp, marvellous.