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i wonder how is the new 60 megapixel going to fair


i have heard that the new 60 mega is going to use the new Dasla sensor..when they just got all the bugs worked out from kodak..the reds is awesome in that camera....

i just wonder hows the dalsa sensor going to fair out..

2 cents
It makes sense to wait till the first users have reported their experiences with new equipment.
Leica M8 problems........

Right at the moment that this dramatic experience is starting to slip from Jürgens memory you revive it again ! :z04_computer_haukap
get this ...hassy gave the 50 mega pixel owners ..90 days to trade up ...for the new 60 for i think 10k more ..cause there is another price increase...i am really hestitant cause its a dalsa sensor....pretty much the kodak people went to hassy and said here is what to fix and they dalsa...i think 90days is way too short of a widow...

It is becoming clear that Hasselblad is run by a bunch of university trained marketing guys instead of folks that want to see their customers happy.

Customer satisfaction is a commodity no longer found within Hasselblad.

Dramatic price cuts and a no use compensation for owners who paid the full price for their equipment, new offers with a limited amount of time to make a decision, it does not help to make customers happy.
Once again, the 60 meg camera was NOT a secret. Hasselblad announced it was coming when the 50 meg back was announced.

So, if you bought the 50 meg version, but wanted the 60 meg, why did you do that? Being impulsively impatient at these prices is a VERY expensive habit.

Fact is, not everyone wants or needs a 60 meg back, nor in this economy wants to pay for it. ROI has to be factored in.

However, Hasselblad has to keep at it ... whether you can keep up or not. The competitor already has their 60 meg back in the hands of users.

So, IMO this is hardly a bunch of university trained marketing guys that by Paul's implication do not care about their customers. On the contrary, they are trying to stay in business ... which would be nice for all Hasselblad photographers IMO.

In short, I really do not think that Hasselblad can induldge a handful of luddites at the expense of staying competitive where the market has gone and is still going like a rocket sled. As the British bank robber Willy Sutton quipped when asked why he robbed banks " It's where the money is."

So the customer has a good range to select from: the 31 with a 1.3X factor, 39, 50, with a 1.1X factor, and the larger sized sensor 60 that's very close to full frame 645. Pick your weapon of choice based on need. Over buy at your own risk.

If you are a megapixel chaser, then you'll have to pay through the nose to induldge in that leap frogging habit. And warm up you wallets gentlemen because it ain't over yet. There are much larger sensors already in advanced development with preliminary marketing already being done by RED. The game is about to change dramatically ... at least at the Pro end of the spectrum. Which is why I'm sticking with my 39 for now.
Once again, the 60 meg camera was NOT a secret. Hasselblad announced it was coming when the 50 meg back was announced.


There are much larger sensors already in advanced development with preliminary marketing already being done by RED. The game is about to change dramatically ... at least at the Pro end of the spectrum. Which is why I'm sticking with my 39 for now.

Excuse my ignorance: who or what is RED?

As for you sticking to the 39, sounds like a completely good idea to me :z04_5769:

Any new infos about this 60Mpix ?
What sizes for this sensor ? The 28mm and the new zoom will be usable ?

When the 50 mpix will be for sale, I imagine such promo: H3D39 at the price of the 31 and the 50 at the price of the 39.
The 60 MP cameras are promised for end of June and will be supplied according to a first come first served system.
In case you want one I can help to get you one fast.
Thanks for help. Anyway I prefer to minimize surprises and contact myself. Is there links to technical info about this digital back ?