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I love u tree


Hope this doesn't offend but this is Fuji 400H converted to B&W in post processing (scanned with a V700). I don't know why but I really like the way 400H converts to black and white in post processing. I discovered this last year when using it with my M7.



  • i-love-you-tree-s.jpg
    119.3 KB · Views: 43
The M7 comments made me laugh. Not sure I'd buy another, now. Considerably more likely that my future might inlcude a 500 body and some lenses.

Several of us do, it is a nice way of getting around with the Hasselblad. I have three. You should try one.

Me, I Like the old M6 and So many years of researvh I thought to settle down on M8 which i guess More stable way to travell around Blad.without less Jaming and a steady way.
Of coures it my back up for FIDEL BLAD.