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Hyperforcal or infinity focus on SWC


I still can't quite make up my mind whether the best results from the SWC are obtained using infinity focus or hyperfocal focussing. My feeling, based on my experience of using other wide angle lenses on 35mm cameras is that hyperfocal focussing for landscape leads to unsharp images. What are the opinions of other users?

Infinity or hyperfocal.

Unless you are using a viewing screen with adapter it is not possible to select infinity with some degree of accuracy for Super Wide cameras.

The infinity mark on lenses is not calibrated.
As a rule infinity focus is achieved before the lens reaches its end stop.

The biogon can be set hyperfocal using F 5.6 for objects from 2 m till infinity.
For most applications the sharpness with hyperfocal settings is satisfactory.
True focus can only be achieved at the set distance on the lens.