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Hts 1.5

D. W. Hocking

New Member
Would appreciate any comments on experiences with the HTS 1.5 with respect to the ability to truly focus accurately with the movements in a relatively small view finder (as opposed to the use of a loupe with LF) and the quality of the output.
Would appreciate any comments on experiences with the HTS 1.5 with respect to the ability to truly focus accurately with the movements in a relatively small view finder (as opposed to the use of a loupe with LF) and the quality of the output.

Sorry to say that, but i hope when i can afford it then i will give you all my reviews and impressions, this device maybe i can get it next year.
Would appreciate any comments on experiences with the HTS 1.5 with respect to the ability to truly focus accurately with the movements in a relatively small view finder (as opposed to the use of a loupe with LF) and the quality of the output.

I agree with you that it is indeed not easy to focus accurately. I so far was used to LF screens and a loupe as you mention, and it is very difficult to control everything in the small viewfinder. I realized the tendency to tilt too much with the HTS, leading to out of focus areas mainly at the edges of the picture. On the other hand I even managed to get satisfying pictures without tripod.
