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How good is 503 TTL flash

The 503 has the exact same thing the 553 has, yes.


The ready light in the viewfinder not only lights up constantly when the flash is ready, but it flickers too for a few seconds after the exposure to signal that the flash output was sufficient to get proper exposure. If it doesn't you need to open up the aperture.

So you do not have to keep an eye on the flash unit.
> [Ok, I'm not sure but I haven't remarked this "flickering", I'm going to > check it out. In any case The Quantum T Flash makes a little sound on > correct shots while the sound is like "3 times beep" when is over or under > exposed and it helps. I'm afraid that the interpretation of this "red > light performance" is going to be different depending on wich flash system > we are using with the camera. I've tested some shots with a sekonic 508L > and there were less then 1/2 Ev of difference (on F:8 on the camera the > meter said F:5,6 and 1/3 : considering that the sekonic was reading in > incident light I've tought it was quite acceptable. Many Thanks for your > answer, have a nice w.e.. Sandro ]

The red light flickering only tells you that the flash metering electronics (which are in the flash unit) have quenched the flash before all stored energy was used up.
So when it does flicker after exposure, you'll know that there was no shortage of energy.
And that is independent of what TTL flash unit you are using.

But that's it.
Even with the light flickering after exposure, the exposure can still be wrong (depending on what the sensor was seeing).
And "no shortage" can also mean "too much", and the red light also flickers when the electronics weren't quick enough in shutting off the flash unit and overexposure occurs.
That too is independent of which flash unit you are using.

Checking TTL-metering (either flash or continuous light) against a hand held meter is very difficult. It will be impossible to find both agreeing 100%. A difference of no more than 1/2 EV is quite good, and indeed acceptable.
I have a 503 cxi and a Metz 54-mz4 with TTL. I would like to move the flash to a light stand to add a softbox. Does anyone know where I can get a six-pin extrnsion cord? <font color="ffffff"><font face="courier new,courier">}