With the frame counter on "3", most of the film will still be on the 'feed spool' and the indicator should show (mostly) white when there's indeed film inside.
So yes, there probably is.
The crank you could use to test is (as mentioned) the one
on the magazine, not the one on the camera.
This wind crank (not a very good way to test for loaded film) is blocked only for the first shot. After the first image is exposed, you can use it as much as you like.
You will absolutely have to (be able to) use it after the last frame is exposed.
So yes, there is a way to test for resistance using the wind crank.
Just use the wind crank...
(But be sure you know what it should feel like, and remember that spacing will probably be off after you do this).
When 'reaching in' through the film gate (slide out), you only get to feel what's exposed when the dark slide is out. Which is either the pressure plate or the emulsion side of the film. You cannot reach the backing paper on the take up spool.
If you do this, and you can feel anything not being the pressure plate, there will be film. (Unless you have put something else entirely inside