Medium Format Forum

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Hi 'medium lovers'


New Member
Great to be in this forum, hope that we can share something related medium format photography as needs.
My name is Thanhnt. I have change my gears to Medium format since August 2024. Then, they are hasselblad 907x, xcd 2.5/90v, 500c/m, sonnar 4/150mm, distagon 4/50mm
My favorites are portraits, beauty fashion, boudoir ... maybe try on some landscape, architecture.

Welcome, too! I can understand why you have the 90v for fashion and boudoir. I have the 30 and 45 for my 907x 50c for landscapes, but I've seen some spectacular landscapes with the 90v as well. Seems like a great lens.

I'm currently traveling with both a 50c and a film back on my 500c/m with the distagon 50 f/4 and the 250SA and a portable tripod.