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Hi from CH


New Member
Hi from Switzerland,

I have been using Yashicmat 124G since the 80's and got a Mamiya and Bronica while lusting after a Hasselblad, which I finally got (2003FCW) and now have the 907x and will use the digital back on the V series as well as natively with XCD lenses.

Will do. The 45P is just a great carry round lens and the 90/3.2 looks good so far.

Plus I got the Fotodiox adaptor for Leica R to XCD and so far the 60 Macro and 90/2 cover the sensor but the 19mm vignettes strongly and cropped it is about full frame. I am now inclined to try Contax, Canon FD and Nikon G lenses. When I have some images I will post in the forum.
I am interested in the adapted lenses. I am awaiting the X2D and plan to adapt M lenses to it. The Techart autofocus looks great but I want to see it in use. Good luck with your gear!
I saw the Techart lenses autofocusing Leica M lenses on a Sony - eventhough it was impressive, it was slow.

For some reason, the manual focusing of the R lenses on the 907X with the red outlining was much easier to use than when doing this on the SL or M10.

Let's see the Techart adaptors, meanwhile I will get the M to XCD adaptor as I have many other mounts to M adaptors, and I also have the 75/1.4 and Nokton 50/1 to play with
Techart has a second version which is faster. And they have a version for M’s to X2D they are bringing out. This tells me that we are not the only people who see the X2D as a big market. Just send me mine.