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Hi All.


New Member
Been a professional photographer fro over 40 years and although haven't been using film lately spent most of that time using Hassel gear. SWC was my go to for property and surprisingly large scale copying with 500 CM's regularly changing for weddings and portraits. A very good friend of mine who has much more and better equipment thanI ever had, needless to say a well-off amateur is now looking to sell some of his gear following a life changing mountain-bike accident!. Currently looking for recomendations for servicing lenses in the West (God's own) Country. 905 SWC, Flexbody!!, 40mmFLE, 120 & 150 CFi's. As previously stated, much better equipment than I could afford:). Any recommends greatly appreciated. Look forward to interesting content about real cameras.
hello RJSainsbury, if you are in the West Country UK style then you might try Jeff at Classic V. phone ‭07950 039003‬.

Although he is not based in the West Country (gods or otherwise) he knows his Hasselblads and is used to receiving and despatching kit by mail.
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